Such a busy season Summer time is.

500.00 + that could have been spent in better ways, -_-; 105.00 $ spent on a Side Panel and a new water pump for the swamp cooler and mounted myself, status: Running and house cooled, so at least people can now sleep at night in this heat. The kitchen underside sink wise had a leak anytime we used the front hose, seems even though the piping was graded, the pipe insulated and the hose OFF the faucet before the winter freeze. Somehow water was left in expanded and left a small crack in the copper piping all because there was no anti freezing siphon on the tap. An Anti-freezing siphon, I never even heard of them till the plumber told me about them. This made me angry because why didn’t the disaster recovery team see that 4. Yrs. ago when we had to rebuild that underside of the kitchen?

The girls are getting ready for camping and it’s going to be an odd week with all this going. I have a letter that was sent cod that I don’t have any clue on what it would be about. That will have to be updated once I get home tonight. The Girls are getting ready for Summer Camp and that will leave me and the wife to go in and re-arrange their room a bit to provide more space and to get rid of some of the stuff they’ve out grown and pack it away. Seems I’ll have the van being that I’m driving up to camp with them and then taking it back down the mountain and to work. Then on Saturday they come back in her GS assistant trooper leader’s truck that afternoon. Then unpack wash and pack then rest on Sunday and OFF for extended GS Scout camp on Monday. It’s definitely going to be busy summer.