Kickstarter and my kick to the teeth

Hey what’s going on peeps? Looks like I am employed again after all, I start Monday at software firm not far from the house either. I’ve got the repairs and formatting done on this Dell 8300 that was given to me a week ago. I am looking at a replacement side panel for the case the right hand side seems to have all the clips tweaked off. It’s nothing too hard to resolve.

Here is a real pisser for you to laugh at or to be like “wow, just wow” to. So, a person I admire asked a group I am a part of to help them out by giving them some feedback on what we as consumers would like to see on a re-release of a product, and what type of cool swag we’d want to see to be included. They also requested us to be quite about it with a hyper low profile as well. I for the most part kept quiet about it but some little twatwaffle decided to start posting it up on their FB profiles and ruin it for everyone.

I took the blame for this because when we we’re asked “Can you keep a secret?” I should have closed the group’s public access viewing right then and there but I had other stuff going on at that time as well so I posted sure can, and left to go do what was needing to be done, but forgot to set the privacy settings to the group and that falls on me, it also falls on me to try to do damage control which I failed at horribly when I saw the damage done this afternoon.

When I replied to the offending article, and stated that it was supposed to have been a private project in the works, my post vanished soon after, and someone who I thought was a friend and fellow podcaster ended up talking with this guy saying OH if you got a msg from so & so, don’t worry he’s a “nobody” . Well this nobody has heard his “fair weather” friend had been talking shit about him behind his back a few times, but now this just confirmed it being true. The thing that really hurts was if the roles had been reversed? I would have been there for him defending him. So, I’ve basically killed all contact with him, Facebook, The AoY Podcast, WP, Twitter and Google plus and email have been disconnected/blocked/muted because I don’t deal/associate/socialize with backstabbing double talking sasafrasa 7^!$#!$*@ people like that.

I’m still going to give feedback, and make a few suggestions for the project, but we’re still also waiting for the kickstarter to be approved before we go further and announce the whole thing everywhere else. Just because other people want be assholes and twatwaffles doesn’t mean we have to follow suite. I am however disappointed at the attitudes some of us have in regards to this and how easily dismissive they were when the leak did come about. It makes one sad on how keeping someone’s word can be dismissed so easily.