Well got home from work this morning from work to find out my 2nd PC is down for the count and its either going to be the mainboard or the PSU. So far it seems to be the PSU due to the fact that I can bypass the drives save for the hdd and it works then when you hit IE it crashes.

But then again this also started after dealing with some asshat names Jon Alto or otherwise known as Chili Palmer on MB2 Vendetta on Facebook of the AOD Mob started shit with me and after I retaliated he goes off on some hate spree so I blocked him. Then he starts posting and trying to start crap with me on other profiles. SO wtf am I supposed to do? But what I think is strange is the crap that started happening only started happening *AFTER* I had left the house for work yesterday.

The twink just doesn’t know when to stfu and just play the game properly or at least apologize for beating someone down for Xp. Its just proper game etiquette, just because the game can be barbaric at times does not mean you have to be a barbarian either. Most of the times it’s a show of maturity and that person will respect that and want to join up or extend a hand to have you join theirs.

Anyways, I have some upgrades here I can hopefully use to rebuild at least one machine and with the help of a buddy of mine I might be able to repair the 2nd unit too. I’ll be installing Windows 2k on a dell CPI finally tomorrow as well and getting that ready for my wife and her Girl Scout stuff. Besides being completely depressed and wanting to tear someone’s head I’ve never met off and using it for a soccer ball? Yea I’m fine…… NOT! I WANT MY COMPUTER BACK!

My brain hurts, Mobster2….Oi vay…..

Sleep deprivation is annoying to say the least. I get home at midnight and can’t eat, but I can drink water. (Diet, don’t ask) I’m restless, I can’t sleep. I usually hit Facebook and play MB2 and deal with a major of assholes while doing the missions I need to advance.

When twinky overage tweens acting like it’s ok to just constantly beat on someone and not let up w/o repercussions. Guess what? FUCK NO! Both Alicia and azzhole would be prime examples of this. Azzhole asshat #1 came in started by chain attacking/stealing about 67$ and running to Las Vegas in game. I go after him I retaliated and posted he’s been hit out retaliation and left it at that went to work and came home and found out I had been abused while gone.

Died 4x and had quite a number of vulgarities posted on my profile. That lasted about 3 days off and on. Then on the 2nd day I get a 2nd beat down by of all things some tweeny wannbe female mobster named Alicia who just by coincidence was friends with Azzhole and the two were just not connected at all by any means No, that would make too much sense and such. I call shenanigans and bullshit, I dare say I was forced to and I’m ashamed to admit this go and request that the guy and his 2nd in command of azzhole and Alicia’s mob take a direct hand in this.

It got seriously out of hand. I understand it’s a game, but talk about power tripping and during this whole out of hand crapfest one his fellow mobsters gets involved and almost got hit after trying to threaten me with badge Assault and Battery. I decided to let brains over anger take the helm this time, I explained what happened. He was not totally convinced, and I noticed 2 particular names on all 3 profiles and decided to play the card I thought I had. Oh and I was correct, one was these mobsters Godfather and the 2nd one was his Captain of the front line of order.

I explained my position, explained I had to remove the crap I wouldn’t want on a country fair outhouse that was posted on my profile. Who said culprits were why I had blocked them and made sure I had made the reports to the right people. I was also considerate enough to let both Alicia and Azzhole both know what they may or may not be in for by causing such disrespect and dishonor amongst their mobster brethren.

This is mobster2 Vendetta people, not your Old High School Quad or P.E. locker room. Grow the fuck up and come back to play with some sense of how to play the game politely and show a little respect to other people and maybe you’ll get the same back. But you reap what you sow; too bad I had to have a few weeds in mine. Anyways, that’s my rant for today. Glad you stopped by, leave a comment or two if ya like? Just be respectful of the blog because your comments “are” screened

Matte Ne Minna-sans!

Facebook, Mobster2

Mobster2 is pretty fun regardless of what type of asshats there might be. But there are two particulars I’d like to point out on the Mobster2 Facebook app. Sup3r Hax0r and WC Lawson, both need to smacked down like redheaed spoiled stepchildren and placed in timeout corner. I mean really, one looks like they’re in thier mid 30’s and the other looks like some type of tween emo that needsa hug from a bin of razorblades.

Champions online is fun though! I and my friend robert from San diego are actualy reliving the glory days in this app. Its like they took the book brought out the most fun parts made some simple web mods to the codework and BAM Comic RPG Web Crack. Its good stuff, I’m already at lvl 22 and climbing but 1 glich, MORE players I need 2 more players! Phant doesn’t want to play because he says he doesn’t do browser games. What GAIA then? I swore it was a browser game more so than FB apps. Oh and Mim? DON’T -=eeeeeeveeen=- get me started on that rant again. I’m over it for now finally. But still singes my asscheeks from time to time, choosing a ^%$$!& Video Game over her friends!?! *Fiiiine* thats fine, people make mistakes all the time. However there will come a time where they make that mistake ahgain one more than is acceptable and BAM. done…. Anyways off to work I go! Caio !