Internet DerpTrolls and the best advice I could give you.

Internet drama can usually happen because of user’s tendency to judge one’s character instead of being “objective” about them. They will more or less troll/criticize any slight difference they have that bothers them. Sometimes, those same critics will use other user’s opinions to validate their concerns/accusations about the behaviors of others. There is a quite a number of users out there that start this type of drama because they are attention whores.

They crave attention and drain yours to get it. Those types of users are more aware of what they are doing then they let on with others in the community/forum/IRC/Chat RPG they are involved in. In the end, what it comes down to is stress impacting the brain to think and react differently, change with the environment or bottom line “Leave”. The more that leave will less and less the populace pool to convers ate or cause drama towards and eventually will dry up and blow away like dust off a comet into the dark and unforgiving void.

End of Jan recap

Hey so, yeah, it’s been an odd 1st month for 2014. I had a double root canal; I was appointed the social media representative for the Ghostbusters fan group E.R.T – Experimental Research Team. It’s a global fan group where fans of the Ghostbusters Franchise setup outside the circle of the traditional Ghostbusters gear like the Proton Packs, The PKE Meters, and the Ectospectrum Analysis as well as the Spector Detector and Proton gun, and ecto-googles.

There are also new entries now being made to Tobin’s Spirit guide since new species of ectoplasmatic variations have been discovered and documented. So, we’ve reopened the fan page social media wise on FaceBook, Google Plus and Twitter. So if you are a fan? Come check us out!

We also do lots of volunteer work in the Salt Lake and Utah County areas. Zombie Prom, making sure the zombies and humans alike are Hydrated, apply 1st aid if needed, we also help out the local Salt Lake City Food Bank to help those in need. Last year at The 1st Salt Lake City Comicon we raised over 900+ dollars for the Zombie Prom’s Charity Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, there is also the rubber duck derby, we take part in the county haunted houses at various locations during the Halloween Season.

Back to topic, I also did what I set out to do for my wife’s Birthday this year. During last year as fore mentioned I went to the 1st Salt Lake Comicon. I got to go because I am a member of E.R.T and I jump in and try to help where I can when I can during events that the group is invited to. My wife didn’t get a chance to go and also missed an opportunity to meet some of the actors from Doctor Who, Walking Dead, BattleStar Galatica and Star trek and Star Wars as well as Adam West and Bruce Ward THE Original Batman and Robin.

SO I told her this year she would get to go it with us one way or another and I came thru on that with winning one pass to The Salt Lake City Comic con sponsored “FanXperince” in April where there is going to be plenty of Walking Dead cast and a plethora of actors and actresses from various Movies/Series that we all love and admire. I won that on Google Plus by helping spreading public relations and letting people know that it is an event not to be missed!

Also checked out a few animes I’ve been meaning to get around to watching and reviewing as well. Onto this month’s review, this boy can fight Aliens DVD; it’s from the Sentai Networks and the ComixWave Films Studio. This is indeed a BL (Boy love) inspired anime about a young boy named Kakashi, Another young boy who is on the Global Defense Staff and Kakashi’s Commander Shiro and how Kakashi is saving the world from Aliens by fighting them by himself everyday it seems, but his motivation seems to be wavering and starts to question himself as to why he’s doing it and who is it he’s actually saving?

This DVD also has three other film “shorts” that are on the BL side of things but do indeed have an emotional affect on you. If you enjoy BL (Yaio not Hentai or Ecchi) Manga and Anime, this is one for you and I give it 8.5 out of 10 for emotional reaction, decent voice acting cast and creative animation technique they used for these anime shorts. This including the voice talents of such voice actors like Chris Patton who voiced Natsu in Robotica Robotics.

That’s the subbed ver. You’ll have to ask your Library if they have it.

Been hearing there are some out there talking smack about me behind my back, I know this will get back to you and I really don’t care for it either. I won’t drop names just be aware I do still come by from time to time to see what the goings on are about and I do see assumptions being made. Bottom line is you need to get over yourselves and cont. on doing something constructive rather than debate on whether or not I have “infiltrated” as a sock into your community, not only has it got old, it shows how paranoidal you actually are of me. Leave me name outta your mouths and conversations, rumors are like asses everybody got em don’t need to flaunt them, plain and simple.

I mentioned to one the admins/moderators that I might want to active my account and roam the board, not as anyone else but just the same old name I’ve used for more than ten years. Then after consideration and also finding out the other admin had purged the spambots and any other actual real people out of the members activation cue that it would be rather pointless and just lead to more shit flinging and me getting angry at the usual perpetrators and change my password and walk off again in a huff with me giving you the single finger salute on the way out and rant about again for a number of months then get over it and moving on, so I just relied saying I’d rather not and just assume to not care as much but enough to keep tabs every so often.

Anyways, with that out there and congrats again to my friend #Brentlengel for his radio show may it reign for years to come? Controversy is always a key knowledge and power.
That’s it for me clean up after the 48th Super Bowl party.