Grell Assaulted at School at End of Week ?

Ok, so this really cheesed my crackers and toast. I read this on Facebook last night and was appalled at what I read. A student at High School get assaulted for showing up at school on a Friday in what I am presuming is one of their favorite Cosplay characters (Grell from Black Butler) to help assist in a production some of their friends had been planning on for a few weeks or more.

They was in the hallway between classes while talking to some friends and felt a tug at their wig and turned around to ask that the person refrain from tugging since hair pieces can be difficult position back into place. What happened however was incredibly stupid and completely uncalled for. They was attacked outright, no provocation, no known previous history between these two students yet they’re attacking someone who was helping out some they friends for again a production they were playing and needed they character from what I am getting.

I’d like to know why? Bottom line is they shouldn’t have laid a finger on they, regardless of whom they was cosplayed as or who they as themselves what did they do? OH MY GAWD they’re a cosplayer! Pffffft they were more or less bullied and assaulted for their style of life and how they come across to some. Well that is them not they and they need to get their heads out of their asses. Why did this student attack them? That’s the real question, but if I were in their shoes, I would be pressing charges; also what about the medical expenses will the attacker’s parents take responsibility for their daughter’s actions? If this goes to court, I can say who has a better chance at winning this.

The fact that kids these days can get away with bullying is beyond me. Had I done something like that to someone, not only would I have met my closet doors with new found respect of being able to hold up under the velocity my father or mother would have sent me thru at them? But also the time I could have spent in Juvenile Detention back then. I don’t blame the attacker’s parents per say, but maybe JUST maybe they needs some “re-education” on how to treat others and be a bit more respectful towards them. *Update* here are some of comments the asshat based students of said school posted on facebook.

Asshattery Afoot in our public education system

Asshattery Afoot in our public education system

You wonder why some of these kids go off the deep end and going off on these killings sprees at their schools, note what I am saying “their schools”. I’m not saying all of them are like this but people wonder why some of these kids do what they do. Here is a prime example, of it. It doesn’t or at least “shouldn’t” matter if you’re transgendered, transsexual, a cross dresser or from The Horsehead Nebula. Bullying will break down someone, harassment leads to violent behavior and attitudes, for the parents out there reading this? Take a look at your children’s friends, who they’re hanging out with, what they’re doing on their spare time? Don’t think you kid is guilty of it? Check again, look out for signs.

This was just one out billion that will get be seen out there in some form of media or another and can could be tagged as a hate crime, bullying, sexual harassment YES *sexual harassment* and a number of other tags out there. Speedy recovery, and more cosplay, maybe we’ll even see you at one of our anime conventions here in Utah.

Salt Lake City #FanX!

Hello Readers,


I’m back from #FanX and it was for the most part really cool as an event. I worked about 2/3rd of it at my group’s Booth site #ErtGB . I did however get to do the following things which may be a small and hollow victory but I guess I will have to take it. But here are the following things I did get a chance to do while there.

  1. Spend time with my wife admiring the vendors and celebrities that were there.
  2. Get Michael Stackpole’s Autograph in my copy of Wolf and Rain. One of my Fave Shadowrun Novels and a photo as well with him too boot!
  3. My Wife and I love The Crow, we have a print by James O’Barr entitled “Absolution” which he signed back in 1994 on the eve of our Wedding, 20 years later 2 states away at #FanX who is there at #fanX  none other than the man himself and at his first Utah Convention! What surprised us was he remembered us, and was more than happy to sign the print again with a 20 year signature and I got another great photo with James O’Barr himself.
  4. I did also procure a copy of #MagneticByNature for steam by one the local game studios at the University of Utah #Tripleslashstudios those guys just rock and we’re hoping to have them on the podcast again soon or at least before #Saltlakecitycomicon 😉 . 


What I didn’t get to do while I was at #FanX because of certain obligations it seemed and also missed events.


  1. Seeing and talking with Karen Gillian and attending her Panel
  2. I never did get the chance to find the cHair booth for Infinity Blade that Epic had there.
  3. I didn’t get Patrick Stewart’s Autograph at the end of Saturday night due to working with my group’s booth I MISSED PATRICK STEWART –CAPTIAN “FUCKING” PICARD- PROF. XAIVER FOR FUCK SAKES …….*Deep breath* because I was 3 mins late out the gate.
  4. Didn’t get my pic with the Bridge from the NCC1207D  (The Enterprise from TNG)
  5. Didn’t get a chance to meet up with #JulieBenz  The Mayor on #Syfys #Defiance
  6. Purchase the sonic screwdriver from the inter dimensional Time War.
  7. Didn’t get the Zombie/Ghostbuster Vinyl Window Decals for my vehicle’s back window either.


I did get a number of great shots of  some of the coolest cosplayers there.  Speaking of Cosplay, the cosplay contest was very cool and our own “Utah Loki of Asgard” Aaron was there as one of the judges (You locals will know of who I speak for the #AnimeSaltLake and #AnimeBanzai Peeps crowd). I loved the Suckerpunch Samurai crew that was there I even got to take two pics afterwards of them. They say they will be going to #AnimeBanzai as well this year, especially with it being the 10 Year Anniversary of #AnimeBanzai.


Here are some of the photos that were taken from the booth of the cosplayers I was able to capture with my phone. Including #Ert ‘s new mascot Slimer. 















































48 Hrs till #FanX

Hello, just peeking in and letting you know yea I’m still alive (too bad for some of you out there,) and working. Just an update on my daughter, who is recovering quite well after the surgery, she doesn’t seem to mind the soft foods regiment that she’s been placed on. She still gets a dull ache from time to time but otherwise fit as a fiddle. Her and her sister both had High School orientation last night and had a great time at that. They seem interested in the intro to technology, with the architecture class as well.

I did just get my Unreal 4 Subscription for Beta testing Rocket aka Unreal 4 Beta Engine. Me and Bruce and hopefully Sean will be getting into this full swing here coming up summer wise and will finally have some video and progressive videos out there for the project. I found a spiffy KVM switch for $ 2.00 from Belkin and it works great only drawback is the USB to PS2 adapter doesn’t want to play nice keyboard wise, so I am stick on an old P.O.S HP Keyboard. I now have a Linux Box and a Windows 7 Box running in conjunction with each other off a dual monitor setup.

We are just 2 days away from #FanX , Bruce is driving out for this event and so is the family it seems as well. I’m hoping to get an Autograph or photo op with Karen Gillian or Julie Benz, since they are two of my favorite actresses as of current. I will also be heading up to the Salt Palace to help setup the booth and green screen Wednesday night if the team needs me. No word yet on whether my cohort in gaming and podcast joining us at #FanX . I’m hopeful because it will be a chance to meet face to face for a change at an event as a team.

Anyways, back to work for me more hours needing to be generated.

Cosplayer Pillows: The Actual Story


Cosplayer Pillows: The Actual Story.

I saw this and with my current state of body and mind you could have knocked me over with a dust mite. Seriously? I get the whole “You buy a pass to the COn, your image could be used for advertising/promotional images”. I’m all for that, BOOYA! When it comes to taking someone’s image however, both frontal and rear veiw and place them on a Body Pillow and make money on it w/o the consent of the cosplay/DA Member/Cosplay Prof. that’s not only creepy it’s illegal (Unless you are under contact or signed an photo release agreement of some sort and read the fine pint.) I can honestly see this dude that owns 2imagesolutions going to court and getting a heavy fine and paying people back and going out of business. I seriously doubt this guy thought everything through when he pulled this stunt. I mean seriouslly? Body Pillows of steampunk cosplayers, let alone maybe Megaman or the ilk? *Shudder*

UGH WTF!? An early wake up call from Japan -_-; ….

Well this was indeed quite a surprise early this morning. I get a text message on my cel roughly about 5 am and I’m just waking up for my usually 5 hour nap.  It seems one my friends in japan was at one the local manga shops and found what they call a light novel (Light casual reading like a paperback) sitting on the used books rack section. Well after checking this out, it seems to be a Bubblegum Crisis Novel released back April of 2012 so roughly just over a year ago.  Now whether this had to do with Bubblegum Crisis Live Action” Cinema Movie has yet to be confirmed.

401798_10200484036717897_1133267381_n  376850_10201278999242890_1780559078_n

Bubblegum Crisis Hard Metal Guardian Angels is the title (Not sure if that’s the direct translation or not). This seems to be one of the slider versions of the BGC Universe. The 4 younger females that comprise of the Knight Sabers are in high school (What level/grade is unknown at the moment) and their identities are slightly askew such as Sylia Stingray is now one Ms. Sylia Sakakibara, who happens to have a slightly whizzed but battle experienced butler with a knowledgeable and sharp mindset.  We also have another character identity change up Nene Romanova is now one Ms. Nene Rokuhara, who is looked after by her “Older Big Brother” Leon Rokuhara, who happens to be a Detective in the Metro Tokyo Anti Boomer Special Police Force.

Characters whose Identities and roles have not been too rewritten is Pricilla Asagiri, who is seems to have made a title for herself in the music industry at performing at a local night 16+ Music Club and having her performance uploaded to what would be considered our YouTube, becoming an overnight discovery and getting signed by a localized global media corporation. Yet she does still have to go to High School, and keep up with her studies. We also have Ms. Linna Yamazaki, who isn’t from the Japanese country side, but more to being the heir of a financial conglomerate while working at a maid café (to gain some experience in the working class of the world) she’s quite intelligent and resourceful.

My friend is looking into procuring this copy, but has not been able to locate an English edition of this paperback. He says its roughly 250 pages including some of the artwork. Which he will be sending as soon as he can get some of the artwork scanned in. I am hoping that someone will be looking into scanlating this for the global public and the BGC Fanbases out there. I know I am one of those wanting to read this yarn of the mind cybernetic.

The weekend update

What’s up Party People? So yea this last week was semi cool in regards to seeing Iron Man 3 as a Company outing Friday morning, no spoilers will just say you HAVE to go see this movie and stay till the very end. My twins turned 14 over the weekend as well, lots of girls and nails and hair-do’s and sleep over, then a party on Saturday for the other twin and she had *GASP* 2 boys over at her party (Because 1 of the boys is her BFF) and that went well w/o hardly any incident oh and her softball team won their 3rd game since the season started recently WOO!

Saturday was also Free ComicBook day, and Haustur’s had a number of titles out even some of the “old” favorites such as Prince Valiant, and Buck Rogers, with some new titles especially from one of my favorite comic publishing houses Antarctic Press Owned by Ben and Joe Dunn and their excellent creative team roughly 30 years in business now says they have that magical quality a American Manga Publishing house should have.

No podcast this weekend though, sadly those that were to show had issues on their side and were unable to make it. We will however be attempting to record again sometime this week.  This coming Sunday however we will be having a special Podcast regarding “Cosplay is not Consent, and Respect for Cosplayer in today’s Comic Society” we will have a number of speakers on the show to discuss certain happenings that have slowly been cropping up at events/con/expos and not in a positive light either.

Farcry 3 Blood Dragon, what can I say in regards to it? Oh I know it’s like Captain Powers and The Soldiers of the Future mixed in with street fighter and Robocop throw in a kickin “80’s” musical score and it’s like Saturday morning with Mt. Dew and Doughnut back when I was a kid. It’s got some very cheesy moments and the dialog is hilarious to say the least I got to throw Props up to David for gifting me this on Steam over the weekend, it was great.

I’ve also started back to sketching things and people again. I’m considering doing an ArkHunter this time from Defiance, with a write up and bio set as well. ACK Back to work for me! TTYS

ASL review and the usual musings

ASL (Anime Salt Lake) was fun, I felt I was back in my element again and didn’t feel like awkward or anything. I was supposed to meet with Chris Rager and that just didn’t happen for one reason or another we missed each other during the 48 hrs. Of fun going on. I did happen to catch Chris Ekstrom’s panels “Live Action Anime” and “50 years of Doctor Who 1.5” got the L.A.A on video, waiting for Chris to get back with me on the person who got the Doctor Who Panel on video.

While I was there I met up with a young woman named Christina who came out from California just test the waters out for her mini store of anime and manga art and wares. However this young Miss didn’t have any minions to assist her with set up of her table so I volunteered and help her setup her table faster than the other vendors and I then left her to her table and checked in to help her out with some breaks and such. I did get a Persona 4 Mini Scroll Poster which I gave to my eldest daughter due to the fact she is a HUGE fan of the game/animation. I even helped Christina break down and load her rental up at the closing of the dealer room.

I also got to meet up with Danielle w/o realizing it was her and her bf, cosplaying as Holo and Wolf. Had I know it was her, I would have seen about sitting down and doing a bit of Q and A for the podcast I assist and help run. I will more or less edit this post and slip in the ASL Cosplay Shots I was able to get from various Regulars I know through mutual circles. OH and ERT were there as well as SETI Their Colorado franchise and for those that don’t know what ERT is? ERT is the Utah Ghost Busters Fan Group, with several Ecto Vehicles and Proton Packs, if there is a ghost to bust? They are your answer. They do a lot of volunteer work in the Utah community, helping out at events and shows and conventions. So if you’re a Ghost Buster Fan? You want to join an awesome group of people? ERT is one the better groups to join up with in my personal opinion. Has far as meeting up with The Hello Sweetie Podcast and Charity Mack? I was unable to connect due to one issue or another. I am hoping to have a Podcast get together at some point because they are fun and they also are involved in the local community at events and get together and conventions ASL being one to mention.

Depression has come back again and I’m doing what I can to fight it off again. A friend and on again off again team member of the development team Dave gave me X-Com Enemy unknown and BioShock for later/early Christmas/birthday/Kwanza/Anniversary/ and that helped a bit. It really did, I’m enjoying the X-Com, I’ve never played it myself, but realizing it is built on the Unreal Engine and playing a few missions, I’ve got drawn into it. The game mechanics are quite well done, and the way the mission play outs were well thought out as well. I’ll get over this eventually, but if you see me and I look well rather ragged and long in the tooth? It’s not you, it’s me. Well my lunch is over and I have to get back to work as well. As soon as I get home I am hoping to start moving things from upstairs to downstairs and setting up the office down there. I think it will help the Podcast out as well when we do video casting and peeps don’t have to see the inside of a defunked closet rather a nice bookshelf instead. Anyways, I’m rambling like many accuse me of doing, so this is me, comment if you like and I will respond as best as I can.

Happy 4th year of Blogging


Has it been 4 years since 10-13-2010, I left clanbob, and started on this Blog just a few months before hand after realizing livejournal was just a pain in the ass. Got to say I’m surprised it’s been that long. Hell what was I doing back then? I was by then working for the IP Department of the local cable company and discovered one the Ex-ElderBOB Mechazilla worked at the same company, different department.

Don’t know if he’s still working there or not since the nationwide layoffs there were in effect roughly just over 2 years ago. Man, time does fly after all. Since then, started Jade Phoenix, my own little notch in the internet vastness, and even though it hasn’t had much updating news wise? It’s still mine to admin and tweak, and continues to learn off of as well.

I’ve also haven’t done much artwork either on my DA account, not that I’ve given up. There just hasn’t been much to inspire my artistic flame as of late. I cut ties with a lot of people I just couldn’t get along with or just wouldn’t be honest with me and just talk. jason was one that I have no problem dropping as a friend. He always said I took the internet as serious business -all the time- and would talk about me behind my back or when I wasn’t around. We call those “fair weather” friends and I just have no tolorance for that type of person. Amanda, well like I said in my last entry, I pretty much screwed that up myself, and at the same time though she couldn’t be honest with me and let me know she was having issues and also had some personal matters to contend with. Would that have been so hard?

I guess but with the people I normally deal with I’ve just got tired of al the stupidity. IS it so hard to try to keepng with, no arguments, no hatefulness, no trolling, no bullying, just talking and trying to see each other’s side of the fence? I’m not saying everything was their fault either. I’m not perfect, never laid claim to that type of asshattery, but then again what led me and them down those particular paths? Just maybe growing apart, finding different interests, just tired of each other?

I’ve got more into reading again as well, manga mostly. I still however have the inclination to pick up a paperback, or a tech manual and read up on some things that I may not know or have some inkling knowledge of. I picked up WordPress 3 The Cookbook to learn a bit more on how the layouts and designs work, I might even attempt to tweak this journal as well.

My friend Bev, she’s been busy as well. For as long as I’ve known her she’s been working on getting her characters and universe up and off the ground and getting published. Guess what? She did, she’s got her book and is going on tour soon. I’m pretty envious and yet proud of her because she was able to do what she wanted to do with her life. It took her a few years, but then again what ideas don’t take a few years or even a decade or two to become realities? It’s my hope that with then next 4 years I’ll have my pet project at least in beta stage and being play tested. Anyways, Happy 4th year Birthday My WP Blog, happy birthday such as it is.

Roughly 13 hours We lost another Manga / Anime Industry Icon


Well, I’m still taken back by the fact that Toren Smith, known Translator of Manga of which the fans will automatically know of such titles as Ghost in the Shell, Orion, Outlanders, Dagger of Kumi, He and Adam Warren they worked together on Lovely Angels AKA “The Dirty PairDominion Tank Police. The list could go on for a while. This is the man that Founded and Created Studio Proteus which is operating now days under the Dark Horse Publication Flag but was The company that brought Orion to the US Graphic Novel/Manga Stands in the US.

I heard about late last night around 11 and dropped my Mt. Dew on the floor along with myself as Trish Ledoux posted the news of Toren’s passing. “Toren was not only one of the earliest of us to understand the power and beauty of manga, but he was one of the most well-spoken, erudite, and nicest among we old-school American/Canadian anime and manga fans, too. He was immortalized in “Otaku no Video” for a reason” He was also Immortalized in the 3 part OVA Series “Gunbuster” as Smith Toren.

I was hoping for a chance to meet with him before I passed on, myself. Anyways, very disheartening news I for one admire his work in the industry and my hat is off to him. Aim for the top and never look below!

Toren Smith
Friend to all Otaku
Founder of Studio Proteus
Translator of Various Manga
April 12th 1960 – March 6th 2013

Genshiken Nidame get Anime Series !

HEY ! It’s Official! Genshiken Nidame HAS AN ANIME! *Victory dance* I read this at Oguie-p’s WP; I have to say I for one have been hoping for this. Now we can pick up where we left off at and it won’t seem as much time has passed at all for us fans.  I can’t wait for the fansubs THEN grabbing the official releases for the archive and random Genshiken power watching marathons.  Anyways,

So after the Madarame/Saki arc Genshiken would seem to relax a bit before going onward but Chap. 84 has some on edge.  In our last chap. Madarame announced was quitting his job at the Sakura Piping Company close the campus stating he’d be unable to visit the club often as he used to, disregarding Kasukabi’s advice from quitting his current employment.

Madarame seems alienated with the current club’s atmosphere, Yoshitake doesn’t help matters much by attempting to convert him to the BL circle of the Club, and Hato is having trouble coming to grips with his emotions being at odds with himself.  Ogiue asks him to help out with a “Tiger & Bonny” doujinshi, Hato begins to think about his friendship with Madarame, and the thoughts of doubt Kaminaga placed in Hato’s head on whether he’s straight, gay or bisexual.


Now, Sue of all people has shown feelings for Madarame in the process too, though her character might make it appear stranger than that.  This doesn’t change the demographic in Genshiken as the base issue for Madarame’s decision. I think that Madarame’s relation to the Genshiken as an on-campus club is waning. I had the same type of experience when I attended SCAN at SDSU but after I moved out to Utah, things gradually changed.  I’m still friends with people I knew from back then, however our friendship has survived in a certain sense, which even though we’re not around together to meet up and watch anime and RPG together afterwards doesn’t mean we’re not still friends.

Seeing as how Genshiken has this focus on Hato, the realization he will more or less be the most psychologically complicated character in this part of the series. Ogiue as one thing, as her story cuts to the bone, but Hato’s situation you can’t say Oh gee he’s gay! That might be a possibility, or it could be something else entirely and we’re all reading more into it than we suspect. However, with what we have read in the recent past about he doubting his sexual orientation it’s easy to see that it’s not the only thing going on behind or in front of the curtains everyone.