ASL review and the usual musings

ASL (Anime Salt Lake) was fun, I felt I was back in my element again and didn’t feel like awkward or anything. I was supposed to meet with Chris Rager and that just didn’t happen for one reason or another we missed each other during the 48 hrs. Of fun going on. I did happen to catch Chris Ekstrom’s panels “Live Action Anime” and “50 years of Doctor Who 1.5” got the L.A.A on video, waiting for Chris to get back with me on the person who got the Doctor Who Panel on video.

While I was there I met up with a young woman named Christina who came out from California just test the waters out for her mini store of anime and manga art and wares. However this young Miss didn’t have any minions to assist her with set up of her table so I volunteered and help her setup her table faster than the other vendors and I then left her to her table and checked in to help her out with some breaks and such. I did get a Persona 4 Mini Scroll Poster which I gave to my eldest daughter due to the fact she is a HUGE fan of the game/animation. I even helped Christina break down and load her rental up at the closing of the dealer room.

I also got to meet up with Danielle w/o realizing it was her and her bf, cosplaying as Holo and Wolf. Had I know it was her, I would have seen about sitting down and doing a bit of Q and A for the podcast I assist and help run. I will more or less edit this post and slip in the ASL Cosplay Shots I was able to get from various Regulars I know through mutual circles. OH and ERT were there as well as SETI Their Colorado franchise and for those that don’t know what ERT is? ERT is the Utah Ghost Busters Fan Group, with several Ecto Vehicles and Proton Packs, if there is a ghost to bust? They are your answer. They do a lot of volunteer work in the Utah community, helping out at events and shows and conventions. So if you’re a Ghost Buster Fan? You want to join an awesome group of people? ERT is one the better groups to join up with in my personal opinion. Has far as meeting up with The Hello Sweetie Podcast and Charity Mack? I was unable to connect due to one issue or another. I am hoping to have a Podcast get together at some point because they are fun and they also are involved in the local community at events and get together and conventions ASL being one to mention.

Depression has come back again and I’m doing what I can to fight it off again. A friend and on again off again team member of the development team Dave gave me X-Com Enemy unknown and BioShock for later/early Christmas/birthday/Kwanza/Anniversary/ and that helped a bit. It really did, I’m enjoying the X-Com, I’ve never played it myself, but realizing it is built on the Unreal Engine and playing a few missions, I’ve got drawn into it. The game mechanics are quite well done, and the way the mission play outs were well thought out as well. I’ll get over this eventually, but if you see me and I look well rather ragged and long in the tooth? It’s not you, it’s me. Well my lunch is over and I have to get back to work as well. As soon as I get home I am hoping to start moving things from upstairs to downstairs and setting up the office down there. I think it will help the Podcast out as well when we do video casting and peeps don’t have to see the inside of a defunked closet rather a nice bookshelf instead. Anyways, I’m rambling like many accuse me of doing, so this is me, comment if you like and I will respond as best as I can.

Happy 4th year of Blogging


Has it been 4 years since 10-13-2010, I left clanbob, and started on this Blog just a few months before hand after realizing livejournal was just a pain in the ass. Got to say I’m surprised it’s been that long. Hell what was I doing back then? I was by then working for the IP Department of the local cable company and discovered one the Ex-ElderBOB Mechazilla worked at the same company, different department.

Don’t know if he’s still working there or not since the nationwide layoffs there were in effect roughly just over 2 years ago. Man, time does fly after all. Since then, started Jade Phoenix, my own little notch in the internet vastness, and even though it hasn’t had much updating news wise? It’s still mine to admin and tweak, and continues to learn off of as well.

I’ve also haven’t done much artwork either on my DA account, not that I’ve given up. There just hasn’t been much to inspire my artistic flame as of late. I cut ties with a lot of people I just couldn’t get along with or just wouldn’t be honest with me and just talk. jason was one that I have no problem dropping as a friend. He always said I took the internet as serious business -all the time- and would talk about me behind my back or when I wasn’t around. We call those “fair weather” friends and I just have no tolorance for that type of person. Amanda, well like I said in my last entry, I pretty much screwed that up myself, and at the same time though she couldn’t be honest with me and let me know she was having issues and also had some personal matters to contend with. Would that have been so hard?

I guess but with the people I normally deal with I’ve just got tired of al the stupidity. IS it so hard to try to keepng with, no arguments, no hatefulness, no trolling, no bullying, just talking and trying to see each other’s side of the fence? I’m not saying everything was their fault either. I’m not perfect, never laid claim to that type of asshattery, but then again what led me and them down those particular paths? Just maybe growing apart, finding different interests, just tired of each other?

I’ve got more into reading again as well, manga mostly. I still however have the inclination to pick up a paperback, or a tech manual and read up on some things that I may not know or have some inkling knowledge of. I picked up WordPress 3 The Cookbook to learn a bit more on how the layouts and designs work, I might even attempt to tweak this journal as well.

My friend Bev, she’s been busy as well. For as long as I’ve known her she’s been working on getting her characters and universe up and off the ground and getting published. Guess what? She did, she’s got her book and is going on tour soon. I’m pretty envious and yet proud of her because she was able to do what she wanted to do with her life. It took her a few years, but then again what ideas don’t take a few years or even a decade or two to become realities? It’s my hope that with then next 4 years I’ll have my pet project at least in beta stage and being play tested. Anyways, Happy 4th year Birthday My WP Blog, happy birthday such as it is.

Even after *Ponders* 3 years now? Still Mad at her…….

My Truth anyway......What don't look at me that way, you know it true.

My Truth anyway……What????? don’t look at me that way, you know it true.

Although I am still mad at her, I would like to point out “she” was not the negative one at all. Quite the contrary she let others slightly dictate and troll her online life experince as I observed it through my interactions with her.
I would hope she would realize this and make a definite change by letting go of said community. But that’s not happening anytime fast. Which is sad, because I think she’d take up her pen and sketchbook up again and get back to her art while being a mother and being a semi-successful career woman as well. I can’t talk to her because all it would now is go in one ear and out there and who knows, she might even laugh at what I’m typing up this very minute. Oh that’s right those people consider it lurking instead of just looking at the board for a few seconds and then moving on, (Rolling eyes in a sarcastic manner.)

I don’t know, I guess I never will either? I know a flew off the handle a bit when I had enough of the crap she was receiving as well as the bad mouth trolling over me since I no longer was there. I wanted to blow off steam and get my frustrations out and talk with her about and I was ignored for whatever reason, I was ignored. I found out a little bit later she had stood up for me in the thread. I know I screwed the friendship up but regardless, it doesn’t change how I feel about the situation regarding her and me, and the way she was/is treated there. It’s like she likes the negative output, and semi trolling and the harassment.

I told her and others a few years ago it would be best to leave the place as I did and to not look back unless someone mentions otherwise. Personally I feel better for leaving the place, the trolling and the hate, yes I will say hate it was felt and expressed, so I left before anything else came of it. Now looking back and talking with a few others that left for similar reasons like mine I wasn’t the only one that felt that’s how the others treated them. OH and don’t you dare say grow some thicker skin? Fuck that noise if I grew anymore thicker skin I’d be considered a internet Mastodon. No, why can’t they change, why can’t they be a bit more polite or think skinned as it were to quote one of their own. That would be a bit harder for them because that would take too much of an effort.

You know what burns my asscheeks? is she said and I quote “My hope is that my daughter is better at life than I am. Maybe she will learn something positive from her mother’s negative example.” What type of shit is that? She’s had some issues in the past, but who doesn’t? I wish I could say to her she’s doing a great job with what she has to work with, and even more so now that she has someone else she has to look out for now as well. I’ll wish her luck with the whole single mom thing and I hope the dick that got got her that way helps pay the child support that bundle of life deserves, and takes some small amount of responsibility for his actions, the ass.

Happy Birthday to Douglas Adams “61”

Douglas Adams, what can I say about you? You Hoopy Frood, your ear always did have a particular scent to it and it was because your Babel fish died in your ear and you never even knew it. I always did wonder why you asked Vogons to repeat themselves, now I know why. It wasn’t you being a part to the Vogons you just couldn’t hear them properly with a dead Babel fish in your ear.

You would have been 61 Years old today, you tea sipping twindlederp! But you had to die and leave us without as so much as a “Farewell and thanks for the dead fish in my ear”. Your writings of The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy is one the few actual book/Audio works/ Video Game series that made my High School life tolerable and helped me escape reality during the ugly times.

Although I am a huge towel toting, bathrobe wearing Ale drinking, throwing myself at the ground and missing to save up on frequent flyer miles fan of Douglas adams I have not yet had a chance to read “And Another thing!” as of yet which is supposed to be the “sixth” book in the HHGTTG Series, which I do promise to get to before the end of the year. SO Happy Birthday you! You are sorely missed by Kin and Friends and fans alike, We Toast to you and the Universe you opened our Creative eyes to. CHEERS!


(Although I doubt seriously that there is a soul out there that will read this)

Our Backyard has been Violated!

SO FUCKING PISSED! NO NOTICE, NO PHONE CALL NO NOTHING AND YET THE WEST JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT CAN COME STROLLING IN WITH CHAINSAWS and DRILLS, AND AUGERS AND Cut down and rip up and cut back OUR Foliage without so much as a warning reach around Minus The KY Lube!?! Fuck that! Me and my wife planted two of the shrubs one which grew amazinglly fast the other had a slow trail, but NOW it has NONE BECAUSE SOME FUCKING SCHOOL DISTRICT ASSHAT WORKER NOT ONLY CUT BUT DRILLED HIS BIT INTO THE STUMP! FUCKING ASS! WONDER HOW HE’D LIKE HAVING HIS SCROTUM CUT OFF AND HIS STUMP DRILLED WITH HOLES!?! EH? YEA BUT HE WOULDN’T LIKE THAT NOW WOULD HE! There was NO notice of ANY work going that might disturb the property or anything, so while we’re going to work they can come in and do what the fuck they what? I don’t think so.

Roughly 13 hours We lost another Manga / Anime Industry Icon


Well, I’m still taken back by the fact that Toren Smith, known Translator of Manga of which the fans will automatically know of such titles as Ghost in the Shell, Orion, Outlanders, Dagger of Kumi, He and Adam Warren they worked together on Lovely Angels AKA “The Dirty PairDominion Tank Police. The list could go on for a while. This is the man that Founded and Created Studio Proteus which is operating now days under the Dark Horse Publication Flag but was The company that brought Orion to the US Graphic Novel/Manga Stands in the US.

I heard about late last night around 11 and dropped my Mt. Dew on the floor along with myself as Trish Ledoux posted the news of Toren’s passing. “Toren was not only one of the earliest of us to understand the power and beauty of manga, but he was one of the most well-spoken, erudite, and nicest among we old-school American/Canadian anime and manga fans, too. He was immortalized in “Otaku no Video” for a reason” He was also Immortalized in the 3 part OVA Series “Gunbuster” as Smith Toren.

I was hoping for a chance to meet with him before I passed on, myself. Anyways, very disheartening news I for one admire his work in the industry and my hat is off to him. Aim for the top and never look below!

Toren Smith
Friend to all Otaku
Founder of Studio Proteus
Translator of Various Manga
April 12th 1960 – March 6th 2013

A very unexpected Skype Msg. and yet a very cool score maybe….

Just yesterday during break I got a Skype message from an ex co-worker saying she needed some help with her pc and asked me if I could look at it for her to see if it was worth saving? Well come to find out this desktop Compaq is a 2.6 P4 Dual Core, 40 gig HDD, CD Drive with Xp Pro on it.

Now I got an email this morning saying I might be able to keep the unit since she convinced her hubby that it was out dated and they needed something new with Windows 8 on it. So, by I get to wait till Friday to see if I might just be able to keep this machine and maybe place Vista on it instead of Xp and use it as a test box for development. I might even sell it off as is with an old 15 inch Dell LCD and older Wi-Fi Logitech Keyboard and ball mouse to go with it, price tag of 55.00 should be a fair price for it.

That if that’s the way I am going to go? The money for that will go towards an extended warranty and repairs to the 10 inch netbook I got from again, craigslist which would be excellent because I can use that on location for those spur of the moment podcast opportunities that could happen at conventions. Decisions decisions…..