hello …..

Hello to those that follow this WP blog. It’s been pretty much a shitty moment it time recently. I had to finally pay that 175.00 of 210.00 for the accident I was involved in back in Feb. We purchased our tickets for Anime Banzai for October, even though money is/was tight, it is one the few times in the year we get to de-stress and get away from the everyday grind and routine.

My wife’s niece April passed away at age 22, no one should ever have to go through outliving their child(ren). Her mother is heartbroken as it is after losing her mother last year around this exact time as well. The service was nice, the funeral was as expected, and we did get to see relatives we had not seen in just under a year. This brings a lot in perspective as you get older.

A Buddy & Co-worker brought back the pc tower I lent him for 3d Printing options. It didn’t work well for him in Vista 64 Bit. I am really considering transferring my HDD with windows 10 on it and throwing my 2 gig PCIE Video card and work from that PC and then retire the old family dell and put my old tower in its place.

I got a raise at work as well, felt pretty cool about that. Hopefully I will get back to working weekdays instead of through the weekend. People are cheering that trump is leading in the presidential race and that it will be between Clinton and Sanders on who will be his arch-nemesis during the elections. I’m sorry I want neither Clinton nor trump in office. I do not think they are good for America. Anyways, that’s what’s going on at this point and time.