Trump Year One, and it’s a been one…….

More and more people are just debating everything our supposedly (fairly) elected Leader is doing is good for our country.  I don’t think so, for one he’s wanting to abolish mandatory vaccination against various diseases and medical conditions? Seriously? So you mean to tell me you want give people the choice on whether or not they want to be protected from Polio, bacterium Yersinia pestis, Vaccinia, Zoster Measles, mumps, rubella? If you want to be one of those who chooses to not get vaccinated, move away from me if you please.  I’m not going to risk my family to exposure from you.  I believe in vaccination, and preventive medicine.


As far as like NASA goes, he wants to have privately ran companies to run the space station? Are you nuts?  Literally, how are you going to train them before they go up? Just because Elon musk launched a tesla into space that gives everyone else that has a wallet that could choke Cthulhu can go or should go to space. Wtf do you think this is Elysium? I cannot believe trump would be that stupid, oh wait yes I can! Some will say will Obama cutting funding for NASA during his terms, yea and he also realized what a mistake it was to do so and reeled that back in a bit.  There are many more subjects I could touch base with and trigger others with as well, it’s not my intention to trigger any one of you reading this, I’m however giving you my opinion of the current state of our country with is rather sad and dangerous in some aspects as well.


As much as I’d love to go back to a 80’s type economy and Country Structure, I don’t think it will be feasible with the current in charge of sitting in the seat of power. When I heard about the Missile alert in Hawaii, I won’t lie I was actually scared a bit shitless and peed a little, because btw him and that other country leader (he who shall not be spoken of)  can’t get along even at a political  or courteous level have such extremes they go to piss each other off with. It is my fear that this planet will have a very serious problem because of Donald trump and his stance with the way he wants the country ran.

Political Rant on #TheFCC & #netneutrality

Here we are again at the closing of the year and the 4th Quarter. So far, our new President and Commander in Chief has alienated not only those that didn’t vote for him, but his own supporters.  Thanks for bringing us on the verge of WWIII, appointing a woman with no real knowledge on the environment, and some Lawyer that wants to line his own phat pockets with corporate money by killing #Netneutrality and allowing corporation to dictate what “we” can and cannot view on the internet.


We’re already stepped back Forty years plus since #DonaldTrump aka #TheHumanCheeto took office he’s fucked up medical benefits, he’s downright insulted our military vets, he’s against LGBT communities, he’s fucked up more policies and caused more issues for the country than any president –ever-.  I didn’t vote for his stupid ass, the guy’s got some serious issues he brought to the oval office that should have been kept out. Now he’s got this #AjitPai as the head of the FCC? Are fucking nuts? First to Second Quarter two journalists filed actual lawsuits against the FCC for failure to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests on the same topic, one of where information about the FCC’s says that a supposed DDoS attack took its commenting system offline. Ajit Pai’s FCC has has little to no concern for the American people.




You want do your part on trying to keep net neutrality? ß Join the battle, make your Voice heard, do something, do not be the sheep #trump and #AjitPai want you to be and become part of their #1984 wet dream. I am still under the opinion that Russia had a major influence in getting their meat puppet #DonaldTrump into office and the fact that he’s still in office and not impeached is still beyond this blogger’s mind. Do what you can to stop this shit or at least impede the process the asshats in office have started. I don’t want my children nor your children living in something that resembled the bleak times of the 60’s and 70’s eras. You let these asshats do whatever the fuck they want, they’ll have everything slammed shut and fake news everywhere and you will not know what truth is and what’s bullshit Political propaganda. yea I know the images are a tad over the top, but then again look at what we let walk into the Oval Office.

Almost a week after Election night and still…..

OK, Here’s the deal Trump might not be as bad as president. If you sit down and read his plans and not just the audios, they are not the worse thing that could be done at this point, the damage is already done. He may be impeached within 3yrs and that would leaves us with Michael Pence. If you are gay, a woman, or something other than a Christians, a young minority or anyway not a white upper class male? You are maybe truly screwed and for that I am truly sorry.

Here is the thing that has me really saying fuck the world. Everyone bitching about all the protesters rioting. Making stupid comments about “you didn’t see Republicans destroying public and private property when “Obama won” oh yes we did, The Republican party said they would obstruct the government at every chance they could to insure Obama and the Democratic party couldn’t move forward. The few things that did get pushed through were done because Obama tried to let them still make changes to everything he attempted to do, that’s because that is how democracy works! The Republicans have inadvertently slowed the recovery of this nation after Bush not Obama.

They destroyed the possibility for a better life in protest. Lets not go into the rise in hate crimes department due to Trump winning. Now if you are disgusted with all these protesters because they are throwing a fit because they didn’t get their way, no they are protesting because twice the past decade and a half their vote had been ignored. 200,000 plus votes thrown out in order for them to lose, this has happened 3x before the end of the last century.

It happened twice just this election, if you voted just for the Democratic candidates. Remember the last time a bunch of people on this continent didn’t have their voice heard in the ruling government? That was called what was of yea The Boston Tea party. This however has nothing to do with Trump or the Republicans or any of that.

It has to do with basic human rights. If you think your daughter has the right not to be raped or be groped by any stranger who fills like it. If someone had threatened to tear your family, your friends apart, invalidate your family altogether in the eyes of the country’s law. Take your parents away, deport you or exile you to a country you’ve never been to, or your sons and daughters fear for their life if they had to walk the streets. Your daughters could be harassed, your sons beaten and killed because of their religion or god knows their sexual preferences. A police state that is above the law, they are supposed to protect and serve. That was lost because you voted to condone these possible actions. Not because Trump is president, let’s be clear on that.

A Moment of Truth from the past.

OK, ignore that #CharlieChaplin  who seems to be portraying Adolf Hitler,  but is rather playing a jewish barber. Please #Listen to what is being saying #Politically . I for one have now at this point and time understand more to what he is saying, and I can say that I am taken back because what he is saying and I can see how the world is currently. It invokes a depression in one when thinking upon the truth of what is being said in the video and realizing just what is going on currently in world affairs today.

In my opinion 35 years ago the country and the world was a better place to live in. Now we just have puppets in office doing what the corporations want rather that what is good for the country and global good, leading the global lemmings in their dream like states buying engaging and consuming, rinse lather repeat, not actually seeing the corruption that is happening out there.


The deals being made behind closed doors, the terrorists, the destruction, the greed that has corrupted the hearts and souls of today’s society singular not plural because at one point we were “one” society working to benefit humankind not tear it down, not ruin that which was given to us to make choices towards a better future.


All I have seen over the past decades is a world that has going to hell in a hand basket and feel like there is not much I can do about it, but if this  helps open up the eyes of  few, wake them up to ways or paths on how to correct the path we are going down then in some small way I feel like I have helped push ourselves from the bring of self extinction.


Because realistically the human race not just countries, the planet as a whole is on a road to extinction. Take it leave it, I am posting it up because this is something I’ve known for a bit but finally decided to share my opinion on it. #GlobalWakeUp   #BecomeAStrongerPlanet I doubt many will understand nor even share or reply to this, but one can hope that the population sees this as one truth to current state of the world as it is now.

Today as I see it from a personal view point

Being a leader is mostly about making the hard decisions. At times there are choices that are just not acceptable but yet you have to make them, they will more or less not be the ones that everyone wants but needs, there will be those that should have been right but ended up wrong.
You can’t dwell on the decisions you have already made, you need to quell the second guessing of your past decisions and move forward and strive to do that which is right and just for those that look to you to lead them and to keep them safe.

That’s what people want in a leader, someone who will struggle with the hard choices and decisions so you don’t have to. That weight is one that will be heavy to carry on their shoulders, but that’s what a leader does.

I was told today that this was Cliché and rather an unbelievable expectation of someone in a leadership role. Which is rather sad but I can see the reasoning behind with the way things are currently governmental wise. The world is in a rather shit pile mess, we have Japan dealing with their energy policies, we have us with the whole Ebola and other several different issues the length of the globe 10x fold, the ISIS fiasco the list goes on.

All I can say is we have only ourselves to blame on it, and not making sure that our “world” leaders follow through on the campaign promises they made during their run for office. Had we had that ability? There would be a nice shiny global mirror in the Middle Eastern desert, Japan and the US and Russia would be working as a team technology wise to bring the world to a better place. But these are just my personal dreams of grandeur it will never happen. Why? Because humanity is dumb and we will eventually kill ourselves off soon as some point. Because those that could be great leaders do not give the 110% they should. That’s the way I see it.

Blah, depressed and sullen

Ok, maybe it’s the weather. I don’t know at this point but as of late I feel like people have been ignoring me or attempting to avoid me on purpose and I’m just sick of it. If someone says to you sure! That sounds like a ton of fun! Count me in as onboard. That would tell me they want to help out and pitch in where they can be the most use of.

Well that’s all great and froddy, but I send an email on what is needed at the moment and I get no replies from anyone, nothing, nadda, zip, zilch. I’d just assume they tell me to fuck off and walk away than keep my hoping someone is actually going to work with me on this project. I don’t want empty promises and assurances; I want results and want some concrete results. I want to be able to write or at least assist in writing with the reviews up on the work being done by said X or Y. So, for the past 3 years we’ve got the following done my not completed.

1. Got the Cityscape that William Macphee did for the MegaTokyo204 Website into UE4 incomplete but within the editor.
2. Thru 2 Friends we have a number of weapons that need coding and maybe texturing.
3. We have at least 2 maybe 3 models to use in the map
4. Vehicles are there just not coded.

What we need is art plain and simple I know my character artist is doing what she needs to take care of for her and the upcoming event she is going to, so no ill will or feelings involved. I’d like to hear from the person however that said they’d love to do the environment art for MegaTokyo to help us map out MegaTokyo and design and assist in fleshing out new areas of the game and expanding out from RPG artwork to Game and Architectural Design concepts again. Person I’m referring to knows who they are I don’t need to call anyone out on this. I just want some results, some tangible I could post up and am like YES! This is awesome this is what I am striving to achieve!

But I think it’s all falling on deaf ears because no one gets back to me, I leave mgs on Facebook, it gets dismissed the only ones that seem to be listening to me and still show interest is Bruce and Dani, they seem to be the two people *truly* interested in this project and want to make it work want to see it through. I know they have their commissions to do, the freelance work and peeps are paying them for it and I know they have to work to keep up a living so I don’t press them for anything due to myself having no shinnies or munnys to commission them myself so I could see the work and I could get some of the new talent out there involved in mapping and coding to help them build up their portfolios. I’m done ranting I think I’ll go to a corner and just be depressed for a while.

Grell Assaulted at School at End of Week ?

Ok, so this really cheesed my crackers and toast. I read this on Facebook last night and was appalled at what I read. A student at High School get assaulted for showing up at school on a Friday in what I am presuming is one of their favorite Cosplay characters (Grell from Black Butler) to help assist in a production some of their friends had been planning on for a few weeks or more.

They was in the hallway between classes while talking to some friends and felt a tug at their wig and turned around to ask that the person refrain from tugging since hair pieces can be difficult position back into place. What happened however was incredibly stupid and completely uncalled for. They was attacked outright, no provocation, no known previous history between these two students yet they’re attacking someone who was helping out some they friends for again a production they were playing and needed they character from what I am getting.

I’d like to know why? Bottom line is they shouldn’t have laid a finger on they, regardless of whom they was cosplayed as or who they as themselves what did they do? OH MY GAWD they’re a cosplayer! Pffffft they were more or less bullied and assaulted for their style of life and how they come across to some. Well that is them not they and they need to get their heads out of their asses. Why did this student attack them? That’s the real question, but if I were in their shoes, I would be pressing charges; also what about the medical expenses will the attacker’s parents take responsibility for their daughter’s actions? If this goes to court, I can say who has a better chance at winning this.

The fact that kids these days can get away with bullying is beyond me. Had I done something like that to someone, not only would I have met my closet doors with new found respect of being able to hold up under the velocity my father or mother would have sent me thru at them? But also the time I could have spent in Juvenile Detention back then. I don’t blame the attacker’s parents per say, but maybe JUST maybe they needs some “re-education” on how to treat others and be a bit more respectful towards them. *Update* here are some of comments the asshat based students of said school posted on facebook.

Asshattery Afoot in our public education system

Asshattery Afoot in our public education system

You wonder why some of these kids go off the deep end and going off on these killings sprees at their schools, note what I am saying “their schools”. I’m not saying all of them are like this but people wonder why some of these kids do what they do. Here is a prime example, of it. It doesn’t or at least “shouldn’t” matter if you’re transgendered, transsexual, a cross dresser or from The Horsehead Nebula. Bullying will break down someone, harassment leads to violent behavior and attitudes, for the parents out there reading this? Take a look at your children’s friends, who they’re hanging out with, what they’re doing on their spare time? Don’t think you kid is guilty of it? Check again, look out for signs.

This was just one out billion that will get be seen out there in some form of media or another and can could be tagged as a hate crime, bullying, sexual harassment YES *sexual harassment* and a number of other tags out there. Speedy recovery, and more cosplay, maybe we’ll even see you at one of our anime conventions here in Utah.

Salt Lake City #FanX!

Hello Readers,


I’m back from #FanX and it was for the most part really cool as an event. I worked about 2/3rd of it at my group’s Booth site #ErtGB . I did however get to do the following things which may be a small and hollow victory but I guess I will have to take it. But here are the following things I did get a chance to do while there.

  1. Spend time with my wife admiring the vendors and celebrities that were there.
  2. Get Michael Stackpole’s Autograph in my copy of Wolf and Rain. One of my Fave Shadowrun Novels and a photo as well with him too boot!
  3. My Wife and I love The Crow, we have a print by James O’Barr entitled “Absolution” which he signed back in 1994 on the eve of our Wedding, 20 years later 2 states away at #FanX who is there at #fanX  none other than the man himself and at his first Utah Convention! What surprised us was he remembered us, and was more than happy to sign the print again with a 20 year signature and I got another great photo with James O’Barr himself.
  4. I did also procure a copy of #MagneticByNature for steam by one the local game studios at the University of Utah #Tripleslashstudios those guys just rock and we’re hoping to have them on the podcast again soon or at least before #Saltlakecitycomicon 😉 . 


What I didn’t get to do while I was at #FanX because of certain obligations it seemed and also missed events.


  1. Seeing and talking with Karen Gillian and attending her Panel
  2. I never did get the chance to find the cHair booth for Infinity Blade that Epic had there.
  3. I didn’t get Patrick Stewart’s Autograph at the end of Saturday night due to working with my group’s booth I MISSED PATRICK STEWART –CAPTIAN “FUCKING” PICARD- PROF. XAIVER FOR FUCK SAKES …….*Deep breath* because I was 3 mins late out the gate.
  4. Didn’t get my pic with the Bridge from the NCC1207D  (The Enterprise from TNG)
  5. Didn’t get a chance to meet up with #JulieBenz  The Mayor on #Syfys #Defiance
  6. Purchase the sonic screwdriver from the inter dimensional Time War.
  7. Didn’t get the Zombie/Ghostbuster Vinyl Window Decals for my vehicle’s back window either.


I did get a number of great shots of  some of the coolest cosplayers there.  Speaking of Cosplay, the cosplay contest was very cool and our own “Utah Loki of Asgard” Aaron was there as one of the judges (You locals will know of who I speak for the #AnimeSaltLake and #AnimeBanzai Peeps crowd). I loved the Suckerpunch Samurai crew that was there I even got to take two pics afterwards of them. They say they will be going to #AnimeBanzai as well this year, especially with it being the 10 Year Anniversary of #AnimeBanzai.


Here are some of the photos that were taken from the booth of the cosplayers I was able to capture with my phone. Including #Ert ‘s new mascot Slimer. 















































48 Hrs till #FanX

Hello, just peeking in and letting you know yea I’m still alive (too bad for some of you out there,) and working. Just an update on my daughter, who is recovering quite well after the surgery, she doesn’t seem to mind the soft foods regiment that she’s been placed on. She still gets a dull ache from time to time but otherwise fit as a fiddle. Her and her sister both had High School orientation last night and had a great time at that. They seem interested in the intro to technology, with the architecture class as well.

I did just get my Unreal 4 Subscription for Beta testing Rocket aka Unreal 4 Beta Engine. Me and Bruce and hopefully Sean will be getting into this full swing here coming up summer wise and will finally have some video and progressive videos out there for the project. I found a spiffy KVM switch for $ 2.00 from Belkin and it works great only drawback is the USB to PS2 adapter doesn’t want to play nice keyboard wise, so I am stick on an old P.O.S HP Keyboard. I now have a Linux Box and a Windows 7 Box running in conjunction with each other off a dual monitor setup.

We are just 2 days away from #FanX , Bruce is driving out for this event and so is the family it seems as well. I’m hoping to get an Autograph or photo op with Karen Gillian or Julie Benz, since they are two of my favorite actresses as of current. I will also be heading up to the Salt Palace to help setup the booth and green screen Wednesday night if the team needs me. No word yet on whether my cohort in gaming and podcast joining us at #FanX . I’m hopeful because it will be a chance to meet face to face for a change at an event as a team.

Anyways, back to work for me more hours needing to be generated.

End of Jan recap

Hey so, yeah, it’s been an odd 1st month for 2014. I had a double root canal; I was appointed the social media representative for the Ghostbusters fan group E.R.T – Experimental Research Team. It’s a global fan group where fans of the Ghostbusters Franchise setup outside the circle of the traditional Ghostbusters gear like the Proton Packs, The PKE Meters, and the Ectospectrum Analysis as well as the Spector Detector and Proton gun, and ecto-googles.

There are also new entries now being made to Tobin’s Spirit guide since new species of ectoplasmatic variations have been discovered and documented. So, we’ve reopened the fan page social media wise on FaceBook, Google Plus and Twitter. So if you are a fan? Come check us out!

We also do lots of volunteer work in the Salt Lake and Utah County areas. Zombie Prom, making sure the zombies and humans alike are Hydrated, apply 1st aid if needed, we also help out the local Salt Lake City Food Bank to help those in need. Last year at The 1st Salt Lake City Comicon we raised over 900+ dollars for the Zombie Prom’s Charity Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, there is also the rubber duck derby, we take part in the county haunted houses at various locations during the Halloween Season.

Back to topic, I also did what I set out to do for my wife’s Birthday this year. During last year as fore mentioned I went to the 1st Salt Lake Comicon. I got to go because I am a member of E.R.T and I jump in and try to help where I can when I can during events that the group is invited to. My wife didn’t get a chance to go and also missed an opportunity to meet some of the actors from Doctor Who, Walking Dead, BattleStar Galatica and Star trek and Star Wars as well as Adam West and Bruce Ward THE Original Batman and Robin.

SO I told her this year she would get to go it with us one way or another and I came thru on that with winning one pass to The Salt Lake City Comic con sponsored “FanXperince” in April where there is going to be plenty of Walking Dead cast and a plethora of actors and actresses from various Movies/Series that we all love and admire. I won that on Google Plus by helping spreading public relations and letting people know that it is an event not to be missed!

Also checked out a few animes I’ve been meaning to get around to watching and reviewing as well. Onto this month’s review, this boy can fight Aliens DVD; it’s from the Sentai Networks and the ComixWave Films Studio. This is indeed a BL (Boy love) inspired anime about a young boy named Kakashi, Another young boy who is on the Global Defense Staff and Kakashi’s Commander Shiro and how Kakashi is saving the world from Aliens by fighting them by himself everyday it seems, but his motivation seems to be wavering and starts to question himself as to why he’s doing it and who is it he’s actually saving?

This DVD also has three other film “shorts” that are on the BL side of things but do indeed have an emotional affect on you. If you enjoy BL (Yaio not Hentai or Ecchi) Manga and Anime, this is one for you and I give it 8.5 out of 10 for emotional reaction, decent voice acting cast and creative animation technique they used for these anime shorts. This including the voice talents of such voice actors like Chris Patton who voiced Natsu in Robotica Robotics.

That’s the subbed ver. You’ll have to ask your Library if they have it.

Been hearing there are some out there talking smack about me behind my back, I know this will get back to you and I really don’t care for it either. I won’t drop names just be aware I do still come by from time to time to see what the goings on are about and I do see assumptions being made. Bottom line is you need to get over yourselves and cont. on doing something constructive rather than debate on whether or not I have “infiltrated” as a sock into your community, not only has it got old, it shows how paranoidal you actually are of me. Leave me name outta your mouths and conversations, rumors are like asses everybody got em don’t need to flaunt them, plain and simple.

I mentioned to one the admins/moderators that I might want to active my account and roam the board, not as anyone else but just the same old name I’ve used for more than ten years. Then after consideration and also finding out the other admin had purged the spambots and any other actual real people out of the members activation cue that it would be rather pointless and just lead to more shit flinging and me getting angry at the usual perpetrators and change my password and walk off again in a huff with me giving you the single finger salute on the way out and rant about again for a number of months then get over it and moving on, so I just relied saying I’d rather not and just assume to not care as much but enough to keep tabs every so often.

Anyways, with that out there and congrats again to my friend #Brentlengel for his radio show may it reign for years to come? Controversy is always a key knowledge and power.
That’s it for me clean up after the 48th Super Bowl party.