What’s been going on overthe past few weeks?

So some big changes have come along the lines. The Cybernaut Podcast has been turned over to me in full. The reasons given were that Dustin and Dave wanted to concentrate on their college courses more for now and may start a new podcast in 2013 at some point. Josh is still onboard for the time being and stepping into to fill Dustin’s shoes is one of my old friends from San Diego California, Robert Jone aka Tobias Steele and One of my friends from one the older and still operational mucks on the net Anime Muck, one Ken Akamatsu AKA Max Sterling/Jenius. Our European field operative hails from Her Majesty’s own Carmarthen/Carmarthenshire UK David Treharne an up and coming Game Developer and Current Games Review for an online Magazine publication site.

We’ve had our first podcast here two weeks ago with Arik R. Avila of D7 Studios and his Production Assistant and current love interest 😉 Ms. Ciara Flynn as well as Actress, which went over well save for an audio issue where we picked up a reverb echo over the broadcast and we never could track down who it originated from. Anyways, we’re almost done with the reedits and will be posting it at the podcast WP here by the end of the week. Next podcast is going to be pretty cool as well, we have from Funimation’s own Voice Acting troupe Mr. Christopher Patton, along with Mr. Richard Davis who has been teaching over in japan on again off again for over a period of six years collectively and will share some insights to you listeners out there on what to expect if you’re one of those few that wish to make a career overseas in Japan. We also have Steve “Warky” Nunez, infamous Convention Keyboardist extreme and a dubiously funny voice actor himself and have been noted for lending his voice for the Anime Parody of Card Captor Sakura Abridged.

And it’s been snowing here off and on but seems to be melting off pretty fast too. The end of the world supposedly will be in ten days from this posting so let’s all hope the Mayans had it wrong eh? Christmas tree has been placed up the house has its lights up and all seems ok with the world for now, but I still have the feeling for the other shoe to drop and ruin everything for the holidays. Who has something to share for their Christmas list this year? OH COME ON PEOPLE!

Someone out there must want to share at least one thing they want for Christmas? Really? No one? Ok I’ll start then.
1. Assistance installing a MP3 Page for jp-studios
2. Someone to Rig and Animate the 3 models I have that need them to be ported into UT2k4
3. A Madarame Harunobu Genshiken Cast Figurine – Ebay has them
4. I have Volumes 9-8 and 7 of Genshiken the Manga and I’d like to at least be able to have 1 thru 6 or 10 thru 13 of the NEW Genshiken 2nd Generation so at least I’ll have either collected the old series up or I have picked and have collected upto date the new series.
5. One decent environmental game artist that will stick with the team and not wander off somewhere because all of a sudden “Gee, this seems like actual work” feeling comes across their brain.

My youngest made it to the school district’s Honors Orchestral Symphony and tonight is her last night for the Christmas circuit. My eldest has an appointment for a college essays one night course tonight has well but we have it all juggled to where it should work out just fine.


Oh before I end this entry, let me promote firefall first. Firefall has been in closed beta for a few months now and I’ve just started myself like 2 sessions ago and have to say this is a MAD CRAZY MMO SHOOTER ! Damn I haven’t had this much fun since Quake came out. The Environment is lush and the palettes and textures were well thought out. The Questing w/o giving away too much is pretty cool as well. The game and questing definitely promotes great team play and a balancing of solo missions with some nice swag to go with you as well. This is one FPS MMO I’ll promote as well. That’s it for now, comments as usually are welcome but keep em clean and be a tad respectful, we do try to keep the maturity level to a PG-13 level around here.

Things to come before the end of the World I mean 2012.

Yes, it’s me again! I’m almost fully recovered from my acute PCD, and have been talking with a few people and I can say I can’t wait for next month’s Podcast recordings session. We truly have a fantastic lineup coming up here in the next few weeks. Coming up in the next 5 months I will be attending AnimeSaltLake, dates are March 22nd and 23rd. This will be the 2nd convention and the main guest for the Convention will be FUNimation’s own Chris Rager.

Those who know his work need no list to know his work, but for those who are just getting into the anime scene? #Chris Rager has been known for his Voice Acting Talent in series such as Blue Gender, Case Closed, Black Cat, Desert Punk, Lupin III, Full Metal Alchemist to name a few. He is also in quite a number of recent video games as well of the past few yrs. Stuntman Ignition, Bloodrayne, Roadkill and most recently BORDERLANDS 2 WOO! and a plethora of others as well as lending his narrative side to advertising as well.

Also Brett Young one the US Anime Gamers on the Western US Coast who on the whole has been living abroad in Nagoya Japan and will be attending AnimeSaltLake for gaming coverage and podcasting. He does reflect upon Persona 4 and GG, and brings his A+ Game to the scene so beware! Also he’s a Gundam’s Best friend when it comes to the pilot seat and a dog fight. You can catch Brett on “Twitch TV’s Website” This proves to be one hell of a convention. I am hoping to do some live coverage on the convention as well thru our podcast channel/Google Hangout “The CyberNaut’s Hang” other than that, this is me for the here and now. Be sure to catch us on The Cybernaut’s WP Site as well. Opps, I have an incoming transmission it seems,……

“Rosenkreuz to Commander Lundberg, we have a Borg Sphere inbound on your location Sir”

“Understood Rosenkreuz”

“Lundberg to Rosenkreuz”
One to beam up………..

FUNimation up for Purchase & Psyonix open for Programmer’s Intership/Position

The Navarre Corporation parent company of Funimation has formally announced placing FUNimation, its anime subsidiary, up for purchase retaining one Houlihan Lokey to assist in the transaction. The company said that the strategies required to grow FUNimation’s business were to have people that are more familuar with that side of the buisness and industry.

The Navarre Corp. didn’t say that part of the company wasn’t making enough cash for the parting of ways, saying “FUNimation’s recent financial report was what was to be expected.” Not sure how to read that one folks, I don’t have anything really against the company since they did bring us FMA, Beck, and other titles as well to the U.S. Market.

I do wish however that there would be some more expansion on the voice acting crew. The current team as always been great, but realistclly, new blood does have to come in at some point. Anyways, my hope is that whoever does buy the company, doesn’t screw it up by firing everyone, that would really be a stupid move and douchetastic if they did.

My only gripe with them was thier Dragonball Z franshise, seriously, my kids have started watch the “retooled” series. I just saw it the 1st time last night and I was like “Wait, …this is just the same series redigitized and new music for the opening” wth? Oo anyone else feel this way?

Psyonix seems to be looking for several paid, on-site, programmer internship candidates in the San Diego area of Calif. If anyone lives nearby, have UDK experience, and provide examples of your work/code, Email address for applying hr@psyonix.com and thier site http://www.psyonix.com good luck everyone!