Borderlands! & Yesy Forums

Squee! Less than a hour before Borderlands is avlib to play on Steam! I can’t wait WAI! *Facefaults* This is going to be so cool! My hope is that at least some of the people I know on steam will have it for some mutual co-op fun.

CRIPES! I can’t get on the yesy forums. I knew I forgot at least on forum that I needed to update my info on! X3 Now I have to try to get on IRC *again* and see if one the admin on the yesy channel can help me out and reset my password. Then I can access and update my account info.

YAY! Game Preload!

My Borderlands is now preloaded for activation! Bwhahaha! I’m also replacing my hdd *FINALLY* to a 500 GB Hdd. Much overdue and much needed in my opinion. My UT3 Black Install has gone flop on my hdd and I think its due to bad sectors on the drive. That and I get this annoying error 83 when I try to start it up from steam the 1st it tries to start.

I’m also getting STALKER Shadows of Chernobyl, Quake 4 Enemy Territory, Ghost Recon and maybe Sam II. The great things you can find on the internet eh? Will test out the Wacom on the windows 7 install too once I have the new drive installed and updated. Have to go return 3 manga a friend got me at Barnes and Nobels last week I really don’t like shaman king that much, it seems too much like a kid’s manga anyway. So hopefully I can just get the exchanged out for something I’d really enjoy reading.

Ah Borderlands, 24 hrs Till DLC

SQUEE! I can’t wait! I’m getting borderlands for free! I didn’t pay a red cent. This game looks so cool. The Mad Max Road Warrior motif and all. The Character designs are pretty nice as well plus the 6000,0000 + Weapons avalible is also an added bonus as well. You all can have your “Monkey Island, and your Lego land adventures and Your Sta Wars games” I’m taking the high road to Gun and Ammo Glory! Do you have the Jivaros rancheros to get it and go up against me? *the sound of a rifle bost and the hum of something charging up* well……do you?

Borderlands PC – You Getting yours? I am

Oct 20th will be a day of downloads on steam. Borderlands the MMORPG/SHOOTER will hit the DLS and servers will be hit hard! But its definitely worth the buy, great thing is? I’m not paying a cent due to work I did for a friend and his pc.

This game will be off the hook! So those reading this and getting it as well? Post up lets rip up the roadways with the vehicles. I swear I love Road Warrior games and this one will be one for my collection as well. Remember Steam can be your friend indeed! MWhahahaa! Borderlands, PRE ORDER TONIGHT!