1st Week of 2014

Ok, been a bit lazy due to the holiday season and not having to think about the derp-enstiens I’ve had to deal with over the year. Dustin – talking smack about behind my back yea didn’t really see that coming, but goes to show you -Don’t trust- everyone you meet, you might end up using a claw hammer to remove the knives from your back. That’s ok though I hope he and his AoY Podcast do well. (Yea I’m over the butt hurt he caused on Facebook and on some derp’s website after the whole Bubblegum Crisis Kick starter Debacle (Partly due to my own ignorance of not noticing the “private” announcement hadn’t been placed behinds “members eyes only” status, but that doesn’t excuse the diptards that spread the talks over it nor the fact that it had not even been approved yet by kick starter either and that “Cybernuats” were going to have 1st dibs at the announcement of the kick starter and *that’s* what really cheesed my asscheeks redder than a Japanese Macaque.

Thanksgiving wasn’t bad, good food, good company, only thing missing was some friends to go along with family, but stuff happens, and we move on.
Lost a good friend, #Brentlenglel got his own radio show on international coverage, one of our daughters made the BasketBall team for the middle school.
Seems have an abcess in my upper jawline and I need to get it worked on tomorrow, taking 1/2 a day off for it. Also this morning, some asshole thought it amusing to walk around our neighborhood and check out cars and see if there anything inside of them worth stealing. Both our cars, our nieghbors and across the street were hit. Good thing I don’t leave anything in the car worth anything. Although I catch them in teh act? You’ll see me on the news as the homeowner who castrated a would be criminal and left them to bleed out, yea I’m that adament about home protection.

Globalgamejam is coming up at the end the month, hoping I can convince Bruce to come out and check it out with me, let alone convincing my wife to let me go as well. 48Hr. Event for Indie Game Developers in SLC UT (Update edit soon.)