Jan. 1/2 Way Mark through the month.

This is the 1st entry for the year. Christmas came and went, kids got what they wanted the wife got what she wanted. I got a Wacom 460 Tablet and 2 steam games from bros I know on steam and off the the game grid. Suffered through Christmas to the following Monday in bed due to someone or thing giving me that stupid $!@#! Flu bug, even now I still have a tiny touch of it.

Was able to buy 2 dressers from Ikea and build them and haul them up to the bedroom which is in dire need of them. It also allowed me to see how many t-shirts I had. Cripes I did n’t realize how many I actually had, so decided to go through and donate what I did n’t want and keep those I liked. My anime t-shirts are pretty old (Circa 1992) so those I am keeping and will have them stitched into a quilt of sorts.

I also trimmed out a few people in my life I just did not need nor want to be involved with any more. You just get to a point where certain actions just rub you the entirely wrong way and you just want to strangle them and dump them by roadside. With that said I will more or less be getting some message privately somewhere from someone because they think I am directly calling them out, which isn’t the case. They were nto the only ones so they shouldn’t feel special in that regard at all. Oh and I re-installed steam and and seems it sent out invites to people I no longer have contact with and also no longer want to talk with me for whatever reasons involved. Which is fine, that’s their choice and I can live with that.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales go live Jan 17th and got the troops rallied and ready to strike out for cookie sales. Setup of the media center for the master bedroom is almost complete, I just have to set the Media PC and hook it to the TV properly and set right HDMI port and I should be able to play what we want on the TV from the media center and even play on Steam as well with my other steam user account.

Been watching #Kemeko-DX a 12 Ep. Series Harem Genre and have to say it is pretty hilarious. Just check the opening and you decide. Leave a comment down below if you’ve seen it as well, I will say if you’re blue and need a laugh ? This is one for that funny bone. 😉

Salt Lake City #FanX!

Hello Readers,


I’m back from #FanX and it was for the most part really cool as an event. I worked about 2/3rd of it at my group’s Booth site #ErtGB . I did however get to do the following things which may be a small and hollow victory but I guess I will have to take it. But here are the following things I did get a chance to do while there.

  1. Spend time with my wife admiring the vendors and celebrities that were there.
  2. Get Michael Stackpole’s Autograph in my copy of Wolf and Rain. One of my Fave Shadowrun Novels and a photo as well with him too boot!
  3. My Wife and I love The Crow, we have a print by James O’Barr entitled “Absolution” which he signed back in 1994 on the eve of our Wedding, 20 years later 2 states away at #FanX who is there at #fanX  none other than the man himself and at his first Utah Convention! What surprised us was he remembered us, and was more than happy to sign the print again with a 20 year signature and I got another great photo with James O’Barr himself.
  4. I did also procure a copy of #MagneticByNature for steam by one the local game studios at the University of Utah #Tripleslashstudios those guys just rock and we’re hoping to have them on the podcast again soon or at least before #Saltlakecitycomicon 😉 . 


What I didn’t get to do while I was at #FanX because of certain obligations it seemed and also missed events.


  1. Seeing and talking with Karen Gillian and attending her Panel
  2. I never did get the chance to find the cHair booth for Infinity Blade that Epic had there.
  3. I didn’t get Patrick Stewart’s Autograph at the end of Saturday night due to working with my group’s booth I MISSED PATRICK STEWART –CAPTIAN “FUCKING” PICARD- PROF. XAIVER FOR FUCK SAKES …….*Deep breath* because I was 3 mins late out the gate.
  4. Didn’t get my pic with the Bridge from the NCC1207D  (The Enterprise from TNG)
  5. Didn’t get a chance to meet up with #JulieBenz  The Mayor on #Syfys #Defiance
  6. Purchase the sonic screwdriver from the inter dimensional Time War.
  7. Didn’t get the Zombie/Ghostbuster Vinyl Window Decals for my vehicle’s back window either.


I did get a number of great shots of  some of the coolest cosplayers there.  Speaking of Cosplay, the cosplay contest was very cool and our own “Utah Loki of Asgard” Aaron was there as one of the judges (You locals will know of who I speak for the #AnimeSaltLake and #AnimeBanzai Peeps crowd). I loved the Suckerpunch Samurai crew that was there I even got to take two pics afterwards of them. They say they will be going to #AnimeBanzai as well this year, especially with it being the 10 Year Anniversary of #AnimeBanzai.


Here are some of the photos that were taken from the booth of the cosplayers I was able to capture with my phone. Including #Ert ‘s new mascot Slimer. 















































Kickstarter and my kick to the teeth

Hey what’s going on peeps? Looks like I am employed again after all, I start Monday at software firm not far from the house either. I’ve got the repairs and formatting done on this Dell 8300 that was given to me a week ago. I am looking at a replacement side panel for the case the right hand side seems to have all the clips tweaked off. It’s nothing too hard to resolve.

Here is a real pisser for you to laugh at or to be like “wow, just wow” to. So, a person I admire asked a group I am a part of to help them out by giving them some feedback on what we as consumers would like to see on a re-release of a product, and what type of cool swag we’d want to see to be included. They also requested us to be quite about it with a hyper low profile as well. I for the most part kept quiet about it but some little twatwaffle decided to start posting it up on their FB profiles and ruin it for everyone.

I took the blame for this because when we we’re asked “Can you keep a secret?” I should have closed the group’s public access viewing right then and there but I had other stuff going on at that time as well so I posted sure can, and left to go do what was needing to be done, but forgot to set the privacy settings to the group and that falls on me, it also falls on me to try to do damage control which I failed at horribly when I saw the damage done this afternoon.

When I replied to the offending article, and stated that it was supposed to have been a private project in the works, my post vanished soon after, and someone who I thought was a friend and fellow podcaster ended up talking with this guy saying OH if you got a msg from so & so, don’t worry he’s a “nobody” . Well this nobody has heard his “fair weather” friend had been talking shit about him behind his back a few times, but now this just confirmed it being true. The thing that really hurts was if the roles had been reversed? I would have been there for him defending him. So, I’ve basically killed all contact with him, Facebook, The AoY Podcast, WP, Twitter and Google plus and email have been disconnected/blocked/muted because I don’t deal/associate/socialize with backstabbing double talking sasafrasa 7^!$#!$*@ people like that.

I’m still going to give feedback, and make a few suggestions for the project, but we’re still also waiting for the kickstarter to be approved before we go further and announce the whole thing everywhere else. Just because other people want be assholes and twatwaffles doesn’t mean we have to follow suite. I am however disappointed at the attitudes some of us have in regards to this and how easily dismissive they were when the leak did come about. It makes one sad on how keeping someone’s word can be dismissed so easily.

Weekend Madness! @o; I’m not crazy!

Morning, It is for me anyway. Well I have to say I feel a little better this morning now that we have one the rooms finished over the weekend. I swear I thought I would never get that carpet in the old office clean again from al the dirt everyone tracked in to be on the computer. It took me 5 passes and 2 bottles of carpet cleaner and 3 mixtures of 1 cup Oxi-clean 1 cup Vinegar and 1 cup of Freebeeze and boiling pot of water to get that carpet clean. I was also glad to be able to disassemble and move one the beds upstairs and put it back together by the time lights out were called for the kids.

There just wasn’t enough time to podcast either this weekend, which was disappointing because I wanted to go over some of the CG Rendered Movies that have been out from Japan as of late and to go over EVA 3.0 the Movie. I also wanted to touch base with the crew on Genshiken Nidaime and discuss the possible Release date for the upcoming anime series this summer (2nd Quarter) for the anime schedule. Is there anyone out there reading this, actually reading Genshiken Nidaime as well and enjoying it enough to engage on a discussion on it? Ping me if you would.

I’m going to be watching RiderBackers from start to finish this week also for the podcast discussion. I’ve seen the 1st 4 episodes and loved it, but had to return the DVD set to the library and it was on backorder as well so I couldn’t just renew it. BUT a mutual fan that had to move out and get rid of some of their collection gave me the boxed set, so I can now finish it with much gusto and glee.

On the sad side of news, the 3 in one has become 2 in one. Seems the sensor on the HP Wi-Fi Printer is gone since I cannot get rid of the stupid paper jam error on it. But the upside of it is that we could still buy a new one with an extended warranty for ½ of what the latest all in one HP as to offer. But I feel a need to research more before just jumping in and getting a new one sent. Ink and paper cost, how well does it run, what are the other reviews like on it? I’ll update that when I’ve made a decision on that.

I’ve had to yet again try to get someone with some brains as well as the talent to deal with a 3d Project I have been involved with for quite a while and I think David will the guy to do it. Why? Because for the time I have known him online, he hasn’t ignored his responsibilities, he goes full out on completion of an item or project work when asked and accepted. He’s a team player, and he listens and gives feedback and follow ups. So I can say I am looking forward to his updates on the project. Well that is it for me for time being. Next report my twins will be 14 and I’ll feel older for some time. Anyways, catch the podcast soon peeps, Max, Bruce, David and myself will be on next Sunday to discuss things of a Fanperson nature.

ASL review and the usual musings

ASL (Anime Salt Lake) was fun, I felt I was back in my element again and didn’t feel like awkward or anything. I was supposed to meet with Chris Rager and that just didn’t happen for one reason or another we missed each other during the 48 hrs. Of fun going on. I did happen to catch Chris Ekstrom’s panels “Live Action Anime” and “50 years of Doctor Who 1.5” got the L.A.A on video, waiting for Chris to get back with me on the person who got the Doctor Who Panel on video.

While I was there I met up with a young woman named Christina who came out from California just test the waters out for her mini store of anime and manga art and wares. However this young Miss didn’t have any minions to assist her with set up of her table so I volunteered and help her setup her table faster than the other vendors and I then left her to her table and checked in to help her out with some breaks and such. I did get a Persona 4 Mini Scroll Poster which I gave to my eldest daughter due to the fact she is a HUGE fan of the game/animation. I even helped Christina break down and load her rental up at the closing of the dealer room.

I also got to meet up with Danielle w/o realizing it was her and her bf, cosplaying as Holo and Wolf. Had I know it was her, I would have seen about sitting down and doing a bit of Q and A for the podcast I assist and help run. I will more or less edit this post and slip in the ASL Cosplay Shots I was able to get from various Regulars I know through mutual circles. OH and ERT were there as well as SETI Their Colorado franchise and for those that don’t know what ERT is? ERT is the Utah Ghost Busters Fan Group, with several Ecto Vehicles and Proton Packs, if there is a ghost to bust? They are your answer. They do a lot of volunteer work in the Utah community, helping out at events and shows and conventions. So if you’re a Ghost Buster Fan? You want to join an awesome group of people? ERT is one the better groups to join up with in my personal opinion. Has far as meeting up with The Hello Sweetie Podcast and Charity Mack? I was unable to connect due to one issue or another. I am hoping to have a Podcast get together at some point because they are fun and they also are involved in the local community at events and get together and conventions ASL being one to mention.

Depression has come back again and I’m doing what I can to fight it off again. A friend and on again off again team member of the development team Dave gave me X-Com Enemy unknown and BioShock for later/early Christmas/birthday/Kwanza/Anniversary/ and that helped a bit. It really did, I’m enjoying the X-Com, I’ve never played it myself, but realizing it is built on the Unreal Engine and playing a few missions, I’ve got drawn into it. The game mechanics are quite well done, and the way the mission play outs were well thought out as well. I’ll get over this eventually, but if you see me and I look well rather ragged and long in the tooth? It’s not you, it’s me. Well my lunch is over and I have to get back to work as well. As soon as I get home I am hoping to start moving things from upstairs to downstairs and setting up the office down there. I think it will help the Podcast out as well when we do video casting and peeps don’t have to see the inside of a defunked closet rather a nice bookshelf instead. Anyways, I’m rambling like many accuse me of doing, so this is me, comment if you like and I will respond as best as I can.

Roughly 13 hours We lost another Manga / Anime Industry Icon


Well, I’m still taken back by the fact that Toren Smith, known Translator of Manga of which the fans will automatically know of such titles as Ghost in the Shell, Orion, Outlanders, Dagger of Kumi, He and Adam Warren they worked together on Lovely Angels AKA “The Dirty PairDominion Tank Police. The list could go on for a while. This is the man that Founded and Created Studio Proteus which is operating now days under the Dark Horse Publication Flag but was The company that brought Orion to the US Graphic Novel/Manga Stands in the US.

I heard about late last night around 11 and dropped my Mt. Dew on the floor along with myself as Trish Ledoux posted the news of Toren’s passing. “Toren was not only one of the earliest of us to understand the power and beauty of manga, but he was one of the most well-spoken, erudite, and nicest among we old-school American/Canadian anime and manga fans, too. He was immortalized in “Otaku no Video” for a reason” He was also Immortalized in the 3 part OVA Series “Gunbuster” as Smith Toren.

I was hoping for a chance to meet with him before I passed on, myself. Anyways, very disheartening news I for one admire his work in the industry and my hat is off to him. Aim for the top and never look below!

Toren Smith
Friend to all Otaku
Founder of Studio Proteus
Translator of Various Manga
April 12th 1960 – March 6th 2013

Production I.G Announces New Ghost in the Shell Series.

In the Feb. issue of Kodansha’s Monthly Young Magazine is a full-text page layout announcing the return of the Ghost in the Shell and our loving Major Motoko Kusanagi to the media again. This is what has been rumored and what fact is.

This series is entitled “Arise”, it is a series, and will be on TV. The changes up however will that Kazuchika Kise, the animation director for the first Evangelion movie and Blood+ is to be the head director. Also after checking resources it is also come to my attention that Tow Ubakata, writer of Le Chevalier D’Eon, Mardock Scramble is the scriptwriter for the new series. On a side note, does she look younger in this series? Looks like a cyberntic shell of a 20’ish type of Motoko doesn’t it? Or is it just me?


I loved the Stand alone Complex series as well as the GiTs movies, the first one especially. I love a good a cybernetic police force scenario and decent casting for the characters, lead and supporting. I’m hoping that we’ll get a preview clip of “Arise” here in February, but only time will tell on that one. I am looking forward to this series when it does come out though. I suspect a late Summer start on this unless it will be a Q4 release of the 2013 lineup, which is a possibility.

What’s been going on overthe past few weeks?

So some big changes have come along the lines. The Cybernaut Podcast has been turned over to me in full. The reasons given were that Dustin and Dave wanted to concentrate on their college courses more for now and may start a new podcast in 2013 at some point. Josh is still onboard for the time being and stepping into to fill Dustin’s shoes is one of my old friends from San Diego California, Robert Jone aka Tobias Steele and One of my friends from one the older and still operational mucks on the net Anime Muck, one Ken Akamatsu AKA Max Sterling/Jenius. Our European field operative hails from Her Majesty’s own Carmarthen/Carmarthenshire UK David Treharne an up and coming Game Developer and Current Games Review for an online Magazine publication site.

We’ve had our first podcast here two weeks ago with Arik R. Avila of D7 Studios and his Production Assistant and current love interest 😉 Ms. Ciara Flynn as well as Actress, which went over well save for an audio issue where we picked up a reverb echo over the broadcast and we never could track down who it originated from. Anyways, we’re almost done with the reedits and will be posting it at the podcast WP here by the end of the week. Next podcast is going to be pretty cool as well, we have from Funimation’s own Voice Acting troupe Mr. Christopher Patton, along with Mr. Richard Davis who has been teaching over in japan on again off again for over a period of six years collectively and will share some insights to you listeners out there on what to expect if you’re one of those few that wish to make a career overseas in Japan. We also have Steve “Warky” Nunez, infamous Convention Keyboardist extreme and a dubiously funny voice actor himself and have been noted for lending his voice for the Anime Parody of Card Captor Sakura Abridged.

And it’s been snowing here off and on but seems to be melting off pretty fast too. The end of the world supposedly will be in ten days from this posting so let’s all hope the Mayans had it wrong eh? Christmas tree has been placed up the house has its lights up and all seems ok with the world for now, but I still have the feeling for the other shoe to drop and ruin everything for the holidays. Who has something to share for their Christmas list this year? OH COME ON PEOPLE!

Someone out there must want to share at least one thing they want for Christmas? Really? No one? Ok I’ll start then.
1. Assistance installing a MP3 Page for jp-studios
2. Someone to Rig and Animate the 3 models I have that need them to be ported into UT2k4
3. A Madarame Harunobu Genshiken Cast Figurine – Ebay has them
4. I have Volumes 9-8 and 7 of Genshiken the Manga and I’d like to at least be able to have 1 thru 6 or 10 thru 13 of the NEW Genshiken 2nd Generation so at least I’ll have either collected the old series up or I have picked and have collected upto date the new series.
5. One decent environmental game artist that will stick with the team and not wander off somewhere because all of a sudden “Gee, this seems like actual work” feeling comes across their brain.

My youngest made it to the school district’s Honors Orchestral Symphony and tonight is her last night for the Christmas circuit. My eldest has an appointment for a college essays one night course tonight has well but we have it all juggled to where it should work out just fine.


Oh before I end this entry, let me promote firefall first. Firefall has been in closed beta for a few months now and I’ve just started myself like 2 sessions ago and have to say this is a MAD CRAZY MMO SHOOTER ! Damn I haven’t had this much fun since Quake came out. The Environment is lush and the palettes and textures were well thought out. The Questing w/o giving away too much is pretty cool as well. The game and questing definitely promotes great team play and a balancing of solo missions with some nice swag to go with you as well. This is one FPS MMO I’ll promote as well. That’s it for now, comments as usually are welcome but keep em clean and be a tad respectful, we do try to keep the maturity level to a PG-13 level around here.

Let’s reflect whats happened so far this month.

We have some sad news this month, 2nd voice actor for Sazae-san’s Norisuke Namino, Taro Arakawa, has passed away on last Thursday, Nov. 15 due to multiple organ failure. He was 56 years old. He is survived by his wife Atsuko Satō, and our hearts and prayers go with her. Taro Arakawa was born in Tokyo by the name Yasuo Satō. Taro Arakawa started his career as a Voice Actor in 1977 in the original Yatterman as Cha Manjū and Nikuman-Mecha and Gasshin Sentai Mechander Robo as Dan Gorobee. He was also Col. Lando from the 1989/90 Anime Series Bubblegum Crash sequel of The Bladerunner’ish OVA Bubblegum Crisis.

His career comprised of voicing a number of background roles in series such as the Dirty Pair, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Magical Princess Minky Momo, Doraemon, Crayon Shin-chan, Wedding Peach, Yū Yū Hakusho and Speed Racer. Arakawa also played Matsuchiyo-sensei in Nintama Rantaro and he also voiced in several episodic characters in the Great Detective Conan series. He’s also known to be a great asset as a voice actor for Japanese dubs of European and U.S. Media. Arakawa voiced Norisuke Namino from July 1998 to July 2000, after fellow voice actor Ichirô Murakoshi stepped down because of health issues. At this point now, Yasunori Matsumoto currently is voicing the role.I also saw Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt. 2, which is not bad on the whole just a real mindf**k of a movie. The whole experience was just wow, really? It was like that? Geez, I need some aspirin *again* but also it did explain and few things. The ending credits were a nice touch I will not spoil it but I do suggest you sit through it all to the very end.

Finally received closure over what was at one point a decent online friendship till over the recent 5 to 6 years. I won’t go into details, I’ll just say ties are finally broken and neither one will contact the other under –no- circumstances even if life threatening information is available and could save the other. It was agreed I even went as far as asking the proper and required channels to see if said information was expunged from place of origin. Since then I have heard nothing from or about said place, which is where I will leave it at. The Podcast Nov. 16th was pretty bad, so bad as a matter of fact, that I am going to each guest and will record the segments and have them sent to the editing department for corrections audio balancing and let them insert the segments in the order they deem fit. This would have/could have been avoided had someone on the crew denied access to the trolls in the first place to begin with.
This is not an emotional reaction but more of a logical one, due to the fact that the perpetrator is guilty of said actions in the past. His actions as well as his accomplice were not only unwanted, but embarrassing and disrespectful not just the guests, but to the group as well as their selves and I would have expected that they would have learned from the last time this happened on an entirely different podcast early this year. The perpetrator in question is nothing more than a young unruly man-child who should go back to their X-Box controller and attend conventions for trolling rather than acting like such a tween with a sugar VS Ritalin condition. Most of my concerns were heard but were not taken with a more serious reaction or reply.

I sometimes wonder why I even bother to offer my input or to attempt to rescue the situation with the proper courses of action. It’s like “I’m” the wrong one “I’m” at fault the people am looking at me with astonishments upon their faces, and all I can do is look at them and say “You really can’t see it?” I know the podcast is for fun and that is more of a hobby and a way to relay things of interest and have cool guests like Robert Woodhead the CEO of AnimEigo and One the Greater Political Figureheads in EVE Online. If I ever decide to get involved in that MMO you know whose Political Party I’m in! But also guests like Amanda Rush and LB Bryant both remarkable journalists from ani.me one the recent websites to come out for fan created by fans to relay the anime and manga and convention related news as it happens.

But when stunts like what happen on Nov 16th? It makes me cautious on whom to bring on the show. I love podcasting myself, its great and when I got the chance to pop on the current crew I’m casting with, I was like wow, ok yea this would be fun and enlightening and a bit educational from a fan’s point of view. So after a half a year of being with the crew I thought I’d ask some of the people I have met in the media industry on the show and to get some insight from the creators of series, voice actors and how they work and have fun at the same time while doing the voice tracks for characters, the odd things that happen in media at conventions and expos. Its disheartens a person when things like trolling happen to a point where you can’t even use a recording you spent 90+ minutes on 55 of it with the guests themselves. Am I angry? Yes I am because the people that ruined the podcast don’t care and personally I would ban them myself especially if it was a second offense which it was in this case, but I’ve been told to leave it alone, so I am left to blog an entry on it and that’s all it will be.

The office Thanksgiving get together went well. Fun and good eats were had by all and the wife and I shopped for a bit after the raffle, and no, I didn’t win anything this time, but there were some pretty awesome prizes the best and last one was a 61 inch Plasma flat panel TV. We were also able to get some food items for this Thursday’s turkey feast. Been bidding on a certain platform hand held console for our eldest daughter, who had her first one stolen out of her backpack because she took it to school and left in the locker unlocked and unattended. Normally I’d be “Sorry” your screwup,  your loss, but I’ve think I’ve let go on far enough. She still misses her console and I think she may have learned her lesson finally. So I am doing what I can to try to get her one used off listia. Sure I know, I still Halo II for the PC but what’s more important? Game or Family? Derp no brainer…… so I get to see her smile, which is far much better than fragging someone in Halo II OH WHO AM I KIDDING I WANT BOTH but our daughter “is” more important. It’s close to getting off work and heading home and I’ve been working on this on breaks and lunch.

So here’s to you readers! Remember, reading doesn’t meant crap unless you can walk away having learned something.

Things to come before the end of the World I mean 2012.

Yes, it’s me again! I’m almost fully recovered from my acute PCD, and have been talking with a few people and I can say I can’t wait for next month’s Podcast recordings session. We truly have a fantastic lineup coming up here in the next few weeks. Coming up in the next 5 months I will be attending AnimeSaltLake, dates are March 22nd and 23rd. This will be the 2nd convention and the main guest for the Convention will be FUNimation’s own Chris Rager.

Those who know his work need no list to know his work, but for those who are just getting into the anime scene? #Chris Rager has been known for his Voice Acting Talent in series such as Blue Gender, Case Closed, Black Cat, Desert Punk, Lupin III, Full Metal Alchemist to name a few. He is also in quite a number of recent video games as well of the past few yrs. Stuntman Ignition, Bloodrayne, Roadkill and most recently BORDERLANDS 2 WOO! and a plethora of others as well as lending his narrative side to advertising as well.

Also Brett Young one the US Anime Gamers on the Western US Coast who on the whole has been living abroad in Nagoya Japan and will be attending AnimeSaltLake for gaming coverage and podcasting. He does reflect upon Persona 4 and GG, and brings his A+ Game to the scene so beware! Also he’s a Gundam’s Best friend when it comes to the pilot seat and a dog fight. You can catch Brett on “Twitch TV’s Website” This proves to be one hell of a convention. I am hoping to do some live coverage on the convention as well thru our podcast channel/Google Hangout “The CyberNaut’s Hang” other than that, this is me for the here and now. Be sure to catch us on The Cybernaut’s WP Site as well. Opps, I have an incoming transmission it seems,……

“Rosenkreuz to Commander Lundberg, we have a Borg Sphere inbound on your location Sir”

“Understood Rosenkreuz”

“Lundberg to Rosenkreuz”
One to beam up………..