Really hard place at the moment

So The Doctor is leaving us, my eldest daughter has graduated high school, a friend of mine has a new play hitting the New York Playhouse Scene, and Bruce’s phone has been disconnected, OMG! WTH is going on!? What happened! I need to boost the memory of the tower at home it seems for better performance and shorter compiling times. This should help with producing the podcast videos for the WordPress site. I am still needing someone with CSS plugin experience to lend a hand with installing the MP3 plugin I did find and seem to work on its own locally, but I do need assistance in installing on site wise.

Anime Banzai is at year nine and this is a milestone guest right here people, one of my favorite voice actresses/singers Ms. Mari Iijima who will be singing in her first ever Utah concert during Anime Banzai. I’m excited due to it being Mari Iijima and also because it’s due to 30 years of Macross which I grew up with as a teen in high school. Anime Banzai will also have Mr. Robert Atkins noted his work with being a Comic Penciler / Inker; for IDW, DC, Marvel, his graduate studies at the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2004, Robert Atkins has a an avid spreadsheet of experience within the comic industry. The most recent works include the penciling chores on IDW’s G.I. JOE series.
Other noted works of his also include stories for the Heroes online comic for NBC and Forgotten Realms for Devil’s Due Publishing, as well as Snake Eyes: Declassified. Mr. Atkins is also co-creating a series entitled Elders of the RuneStone, Quinn Johnson being the writer and known for his work involvement with TMNT, aand Scrapyard Detectives. confirmed for the guest list at this moment in the year.

Cosplayer Pillows: The Actual Story


Cosplayer Pillows: The Actual Story.

I saw this and with my current state of body and mind you could have knocked me over with a dust mite. Seriously? I get the whole “You buy a pass to the COn, your image could be used for advertising/promotional images”. I’m all for that, BOOYA! When it comes to taking someone’s image however, both frontal and rear veiw and place them on a Body Pillow and make money on it w/o the consent of the cosplay/DA Member/Cosplay Prof. that’s not only creepy it’s illegal (Unless you are under contact or signed an photo release agreement of some sort and read the fine pint.) I can honestly see this dude that owns 2imagesolutions going to court and getting a heavy fine and paying people back and going out of business. I seriously doubt this guy thought everything through when he pulled this stunt. I mean seriouslly? Body Pillows of steampunk cosplayers, let alone maybe Megaman or the ilk? *Shudder*