Friday the 13th and a bunch of stuff to complain about.

Hey what’s up peeps?

It’s just me again posting up some of the generals of whats been going on here. Been lamenting about not being able to get Fallout 4, and feeling envy and anger because of it. I gave a quad-core to a fellow coworker and friend for his 3D printer and for my contribution I will be getting a pipboy3k and either Glados in the form of a Lamp project or a AER9 Laser Rifle I think the rifle may be the better way to go since the Glados prop is like 2,5 Kg of filament.

It came to my attention here on Friday Nov. 13th that a friend of mine is being lambasted for his beliefs and sharing them for discussion. This also brought up thread on Buddhism where there were some light flaming/trolling but also serious replies adding to the discussion and then the site admin closes and locks it saying things such as “I didn’t do anything about the rampant garbage posts that eventually lead to everyone leaving.” Well had you been doing your Duty as Site Admin and Moderator and had your team doing their share “MAYBE” and I use that term loosely , that your site/community based from a “webcomic” that died over like roughly 12/14 years ago wouldn’t be so full of shit and sadness.

Sometimes you just have to let something pass and die and bury it with dignity instead of dragging out over a period of years in hopes that the creator of said “webcomic” decides to create a new one and re-register the originating website domain, which pretty much not going to happen from what I’ve seen and heard over the years. Clanbob has become a site occupied mostly by bullies and should just disappear, I won’t say they are on par with GamersGate because that would give them too much credit. This site has gone through I think 5 incarnations and each one has died mostly a sad death each one sadder as it goes along. I will leave this with “DIE CLANBOB DIE” ! 😀

Other than that, I am also updating my Genshiken Nidiame Manga library, and awaiting the premier of Accel World Infinity Burst for the next Quarter on the Anime Season. I’m also researching on how to repair this R2 unit I bought last year online, it’s got to be something simple. I’m learning how to manipulate Rainmeter skins to how I’d like the computer to react, and also back to teaching the voice command software to learn and detect my voice and obey the commands I give it. A Steam Friend and Co-Worker got me Portal 2 for my account the other day! Yay me and thanks to my friend for getting that, it was very cool of him, now I just have to start some coop fun with it. Also started a few weapon prop projects with a few fellow cosplay buds as well, but they’ve been in it longer than I have and they’re slightly younger as well save for one to three of us. The makeshift paint booth is still up and sturdy and hasn’t had to be replaced yet as well which is good.

Work is fine, it’s paying bills and medical expenses. I wished I was working 8 to 5 or 9 to 6 with Saturday and Sunday off like I was supposed to, but I have to take what I can for my family. Hopefully things will fall back into line and I will be able to get the 8 to 5 shift with Saturday and Sunday off and be able to be around my family more again. For now I’m done and back to work for me. Be well readers and my fellow WP bloggers. Next entry will be just after Thanksgiving I think.

Internet DerpTrolls and the best advice I could give you.

Internet drama can usually happen because of user’s tendency to judge one’s character instead of being “objective” about them. They will more or less troll/criticize any slight difference they have that bothers them. Sometimes, those same critics will use other user’s opinions to validate their concerns/accusations about the behaviors of others. There is a quite a number of users out there that start this type of drama because they are attention whores.

They crave attention and drain yours to get it. Those types of users are more aware of what they are doing then they let on with others in the community/forum/IRC/Chat RPG they are involved in. In the end, what it comes down to is stress impacting the brain to think and react differently, change with the environment or bottom line “Leave”. The more that leave will less and less the populace pool to convers ate or cause drama towards and eventually will dry up and blow away like dust off a comet into the dark and unforgiving void.

Even after *Ponders* 3 years now? Still Mad at her…….

My Truth anyway......What don't look at me that way, you know it true.

My Truth anyway……What????? don’t look at me that way, you know it true.

Although I am still mad at her, I would like to point out “she” was not the negative one at all. Quite the contrary she let others slightly dictate and troll her online life experince as I observed it through my interactions with her.
I would hope she would realize this and make a definite change by letting go of said community. But that’s not happening anytime fast. Which is sad, because I think she’d take up her pen and sketchbook up again and get back to her art while being a mother and being a semi-successful career woman as well. I can’t talk to her because all it would now is go in one ear and out there and who knows, she might even laugh at what I’m typing up this very minute. Oh that’s right those people consider it lurking instead of just looking at the board for a few seconds and then moving on, (Rolling eyes in a sarcastic manner.)

I don’t know, I guess I never will either? I know a flew off the handle a bit when I had enough of the crap she was receiving as well as the bad mouth trolling over me since I no longer was there. I wanted to blow off steam and get my frustrations out and talk with her about and I was ignored for whatever reason, I was ignored. I found out a little bit later she had stood up for me in the thread. I know I screwed the friendship up but regardless, it doesn’t change how I feel about the situation regarding her and me, and the way she was/is treated there. It’s like she likes the negative output, and semi trolling and the harassment.

I told her and others a few years ago it would be best to leave the place as I did and to not look back unless someone mentions otherwise. Personally I feel better for leaving the place, the trolling and the hate, yes I will say hate it was felt and expressed, so I left before anything else came of it. Now looking back and talking with a few others that left for similar reasons like mine I wasn’t the only one that felt that’s how the others treated them. OH and don’t you dare say grow some thicker skin? Fuck that noise if I grew anymore thicker skin I’d be considered a internet Mastodon. No, why can’t they change, why can’t they be a bit more polite or think skinned as it were to quote one of their own. That would be a bit harder for them because that would take too much of an effort.

You know what burns my asscheeks? is she said and I quote “My hope is that my daughter is better at life than I am. Maybe she will learn something positive from her mother’s negative example.” What type of shit is that? She’s had some issues in the past, but who doesn’t? I wish I could say to her she’s doing a great job with what she has to work with, and even more so now that she has someone else she has to look out for now as well. I’ll wish her luck with the whole single mom thing and I hope the dick that got got her that way helps pay the child support that bundle of life deserves, and takes some small amount of responsibility for his actions, the ass.

Brought to my attention…….

People wonder why I don’t talk about politics or news relating to global events. Reason being is, the world is a fucked up place lets be brutally honest, is anyone person to blame? No not really, we’re all about equally guilty at/on one level or another. War, famine, disease, inflation, people in the streets protesting the status quo, political rallies, using their voices to be heard but falling on deaf ears.

I stick with what I know family, gaming, manga, anime, art, literature, music and podcasting. Do I go to forums still? Yea, I still have one myself for my own dreams of a Gaming Studio and to help out peeps that need a place to post with the option to hide from prying eyes of the public for their projects. Do still post at them? Yea from time to time, when there is something on interest to reply to/or of interest.

I don’t consider myself of any real importance on the universe, I see myself as someone who watches over my offspring and will sacrifice my own to keep them safe, that’s my own real worth at this point and time in my own existence. Selfish was a question and a statement that was thrown at me a number of times by someone I knew, saying I never took the blame for any event that may have happened. I really don’t think I should have to justify myself because of this person or anyone else really, but needless to say, I have done some considerable damage in and on my own lifeline.

What they are is my concern. Not the internet, not some anon I’ve never met, and nor will I go into it further save for that I take responsibility for my own actions and accord and if people can’t accept that? Get stuffed I say and good riddance to you Sir/Madame. With that said I’m going back to work for the rest of the day.

Cheers to you.

Trolling can be or are Triggered By the Lack of Eye Contact

Yea, you did stupid asshat.

Interesting Research by the University of Haifa in Israel studied online interaction and on social networks and forums found isn’t anonymity that promotes trolling online, but lack of eye contact. The Researchers found that people are twice as likely to troll if they don’t have eye contact with the person they’ve targeted for trolling. I can relate because I’ve been one of those targets/victims. On the whole it does make sense, when you think about it.

People don’t really communicate with someone they can’t see in most situations. It’s been noted that while using Google Hangout and Skype/FaceBook chat that trolling and negative outbursts are severally reduced due to the fact you are visually seeing the person for who they are. Trolling because you can’t see the reaction trolling causes your victim/target is shameful and should be punishable in some form is how I see it, and maybe then there might be some reduction in persecution towards others out there.