Two years, its already been two years.

It is already 2 years since my last posting? Well where to start off I been working at Morgan Stanley for roughly 2 years and then had a opportunity to go work at MDF which was the big mistake because 6 months later ”Got to let you go” no real reason just me and 2 others gone.  That was June of last year. What have I been doing since? Nothing save looking for a job 350,000 supposed NEW jobs out there and not one of these &^#$ will hire me! SO frustrated I can do VoIP, Active directory and cyber security and Internet Service Support for Crist sakes!


I am still streaming under the tag of Tehloen on twitch have less than 90 followers and been on for 2 yrs. but I’ll make it 101 followers someday and be able to use emotes …..One day.  I did get involved on Blue-sky; they just now opened to the public. I was to get a few fellow Waste landers to come over from twitter on over I use both but trying to leave twitter behind in the dust. I am back to using Stream labs Desktop *sigh* it would be nice if X-split was stable enough to stay connected and quite crashing during the middle of a stream. Then again there are times where Comcast fucks up and lags me to where I have to start the stream over or just not stream period, ergo my lack of content as of last, oh and I was banned on twitch channels of @GamingGranny56 and @BendyJenga both on twitter, reason unknown for Granny as far as Bendy goes well, I was a bit disrespectful when walking into the channel and not reading the room for a moment (ADHD moment) and was booted off. I made apologies but that didn’t cut it (Right mim!) I told I would self-exile from her twitch and twitter and not be bothered by me again.  Trying to keep my own words and adhere to what I said.

Mentally how am I? Probably the same as anyone who has lost the parent (Yea still grieving) they could talk with and feel normal when talking or discussing things of personal / private in nature. I’m angry I have a number of medical conditions I refuse to talk about (don’t ask please.) I frustrated that these %##@ places that say “Oh Hey you’re perfect for this position” and apply and then either get ghosted or be told sorry you don’t have the skills. FUCK THAT SHIT! I have skills, some more than others, and I am willing to work overtime and such. I have been awarded a number of times from different employers for my technical AND my client support skills.  What the fuck does it take to get a god damn job that is technically based and remote!?!  I am betting it’s because I’m 57 there is age discrimination but try proving that to the BBB!  I need to be able to work remotely to keep a tab on matter I am not at liberty to discuss, but ideally making 40K and working remotely to take care things after work hours and being able to have some control is needed currently until others have their licenses and can drive themselves without problems.


I have been talking @C27Penn, @Mawtater, @ThiccMethod to name a few from the SlothCrew and #FalloutForHope team for St. Judes charity has kept me from going off the rails at times where I just want to destroy everything  say fuck it and just drive and keep driving and I don’t what afterwards.  Yea I know we’re not supposed to think like that, we’re 57 we’re supposed to be mature enough and  rational enough to not have those thoughts, but they happen and if I am being honest no real amount of meds will change it now either. I don’t make excuses for my behavior, I can be an ass sometimes, but I try to keep that reeled in, been bully and talked down to too many times to not realize when I become one and have to self-contain that which wishes to “Rip and Tear” till all is gone from the despair.  That’s all for now ranting is over. Doubt anyone will see this.

A Moment of Truth from the past.

OK, ignore that #CharlieChaplin  who seems to be portraying Adolf Hitler,  but is rather playing a jewish barber. Please #Listen to what is being saying #Politically . I for one have now at this point and time understand more to what he is saying, and I can say that I am taken back because what he is saying and I can see how the world is currently. It invokes a depression in one when thinking upon the truth of what is being said in the video and realizing just what is going on currently in world affairs today.

In my opinion 35 years ago the country and the world was a better place to live in. Now we just have puppets in office doing what the corporations want rather that what is good for the country and global good, leading the global lemmings in their dream like states buying engaging and consuming, rinse lather repeat, not actually seeing the corruption that is happening out there.


The deals being made behind closed doors, the terrorists, the destruction, the greed that has corrupted the hearts and souls of today’s society singular not plural because at one point we were “one” society working to benefit humankind not tear it down, not ruin that which was given to us to make choices towards a better future.


All I have seen over the past decades is a world that has going to hell in a hand basket and feel like there is not much I can do about it, but if this  helps open up the eyes of  few, wake them up to ways or paths on how to correct the path we are going down then in some small way I feel like I have helped push ourselves from the bring of self extinction.


Because realistically the human race not just countries, the planet as a whole is on a road to extinction. Take it leave it, I am posting it up because this is something I’ve known for a bit but finally decided to share my opinion on it. #GlobalWakeUp   #BecomeAStrongerPlanet I doubt many will understand nor even share or reply to this, but one can hope that the population sees this as one truth to current state of the world as it is now.

Jan. 1/2 Way Mark through the month.

This is the 1st entry for the year. Christmas came and went, kids got what they wanted the wife got what she wanted. I got a Wacom 460 Tablet and 2 steam games from bros I know on steam and off the the game grid. Suffered through Christmas to the following Monday in bed due to someone or thing giving me that stupid $!@#! Flu bug, even now I still have a tiny touch of it.

Was able to buy 2 dressers from Ikea and build them and haul them up to the bedroom which is in dire need of them. It also allowed me to see how many t-shirts I had. Cripes I did n’t realize how many I actually had, so decided to go through and donate what I did n’t want and keep those I liked. My anime t-shirts are pretty old (Circa 1992) so those I am keeping and will have them stitched into a quilt of sorts.

I also trimmed out a few people in my life I just did not need nor want to be involved with any more. You just get to a point where certain actions just rub you the entirely wrong way and you just want to strangle them and dump them by roadside. With that said I will more or less be getting some message privately somewhere from someone because they think I am directly calling them out, which isn’t the case. They were nto the only ones so they shouldn’t feel special in that regard at all. Oh and I re-installed steam and and seems it sent out invites to people I no longer have contact with and also no longer want to talk with me for whatever reasons involved. Which is fine, that’s their choice and I can live with that.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales go live Jan 17th and got the troops rallied and ready to strike out for cookie sales. Setup of the media center for the master bedroom is almost complete, I just have to set the Media PC and hook it to the TV properly and set right HDMI port and I should be able to play what we want on the TV from the media center and even play on Steam as well with my other steam user account.

Been watching #Kemeko-DX a 12 Ep. Series Harem Genre and have to say it is pretty hilarious. Just check the opening and you decide. Leave a comment down below if you’ve seen it as well, I will say if you’re blue and need a laugh ? This is one for that funny bone. 😉

Today as I see it from a personal view point

Being a leader is mostly about making the hard decisions. At times there are choices that are just not acceptable but yet you have to make them, they will more or less not be the ones that everyone wants but needs, there will be those that should have been right but ended up wrong.
You can’t dwell on the decisions you have already made, you need to quell the second guessing of your past decisions and move forward and strive to do that which is right and just for those that look to you to lead them and to keep them safe.

That’s what people want in a leader, someone who will struggle with the hard choices and decisions so you don’t have to. That weight is one that will be heavy to carry on their shoulders, but that’s what a leader does.

I was told today that this was Cliché and rather an unbelievable expectation of someone in a leadership role. Which is rather sad but I can see the reasoning behind with the way things are currently governmental wise. The world is in a rather shit pile mess, we have Japan dealing with their energy policies, we have us with the whole Ebola and other several different issues the length of the globe 10x fold, the ISIS fiasco the list goes on.

All I can say is we have only ourselves to blame on it, and not making sure that our “world” leaders follow through on the campaign promises they made during their run for office. Had we had that ability? There would be a nice shiny global mirror in the Middle Eastern desert, Japan and the US and Russia would be working as a team technology wise to bring the world to a better place. But these are just my personal dreams of grandeur it will never happen. Why? Because humanity is dumb and we will eventually kill ourselves off soon as some point. Because those that could be great leaders do not give the 110% they should. That’s the way I see it.

Game Review Borderlands The Pre-Sequel

I am really enjoying Borderland the Pre-Sequel and running around as claptrap finally able to shoot things and alien lifeforms for fun and folly rather than money! It’s funny because I try to act all serious as a Comical robot with an ego issue that sometimes backfires on him. I haven’t played any of the other characters as of yet, because I want to play thru to the end with each character but I chose Claptrap because he’s a cocky little robot with a ton a heart and Gumption!

Are there many out there reading this that has the PC edition and would like to team up? What are your opinions on the characters and skill tree? Are you enjoy enjoying the back stories involved with the former set of vault hunters that you see in Borderlands 2 that are portrayed as villains? I love the environments as well plus the less than normal gravity adds to the humor and gameplay that seems to give you a slightly more challenging feeling than the previous games.

The musical scores and songs are great as well, love the environmental mood settings. The baddie AIs are a pretty intelligent giving you some really cool shoot outs or hand to hand (Yes I like to smash across the jaw with my clap every once and awhile myself.) Post up comment; reach out to the ones that play!


Hello again readers, and to myself as well. It’s Aug 12th and just past 20 years of happiness with my beloved. Twenty years? Wow that just bellows your mind when you think about that. The events you’ve shared there turmoil and joys and with kids as well. The braces, the emotional rollercoaster fits in some cases and the moments where they need you to just hold them and let them know it’s ok or it will hurt less as time passes and they grow. Well me and the Mrs. went to Las Vegas spent our 20th anniversary at The Hilton Grand (Marketing Compound) Hotel and had a great time exploring the Strip/Casino areas.

We checked out the hourly fountain shows in front of the Bellagio and The Mirage which at night are absolutely wonderous with the colored lights and the musical sequence. We also took in The Blue Man Group Show at the Monte Carlo as well as a DVD set and audio CD of the show which was also great, save for some small back pains which seems to have traveled back with us and has decidedly hung around with me for the past 4 days since our return. I finally got one of those “Keep Calm” shirts, although it says “And get Drunk” I still like it, it’s not torchwood or reminds us of the tardis, it is still a “Keep Calm” shirt. Took some photos from the trip

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Meanwhile after the return home.

PC had an issue where the o/s would freeze and lock up and out forcing the system to be softbooted. Well there is a shop that I took it to have the issue confred that it was CPU causing the issue. I got it back with the owner saying it was infected with several viruses and malware and that my thermal paste had been dried up for sometime (Which that I could see maybe happening) funny thing is AVG and Mcfee scanned the system and found nothing save for some info tracking cookies. Malware bytes didn’t detect anything either, so I’m a little hesittant to believe my freezing and lockup of the O/S was due to undetected viruses and/or malware. I can see maybe a CPU overheat whch they said they did apply some gold thermal paste at no charge. next step, I will then hook it up and fire up #Titanfall and see how it stands up now and whether or not I freeze up again.

Soon, I’ll be 47 and I’m still nowhere close to where I’d like the game project to be. so many setbacks still much to do and its mostly programming I think at this point. Still have a unfinished map, got a decent and talented yet untapped artistic resource, just waiting to see what she has in store for us. Bruce is doing well but super busy on his side of the west coast BUT! he will be coming to #SaltlakeComicon and this will be a 1st time meeting 3 of the Team Jade Phoenix will be at one place at the same time!

And we’ll be doing this the entire time! PARTAAAAAAY!

Blah, depressed and sullen

Ok, maybe it’s the weather. I don’t know at this point but as of late I feel like people have been ignoring me or attempting to avoid me on purpose and I’m just sick of it. If someone says to you sure! That sounds like a ton of fun! Count me in as onboard. That would tell me they want to help out and pitch in where they can be the most use of.

Well that’s all great and froddy, but I send an email on what is needed at the moment and I get no replies from anyone, nothing, nadda, zip, zilch. I’d just assume they tell me to fuck off and walk away than keep my hoping someone is actually going to work with me on this project. I don’t want empty promises and assurances; I want results and want some concrete results. I want to be able to write or at least assist in writing with the reviews up on the work being done by said X or Y. So, for the past 3 years we’ve got the following done my not completed.

1. Got the Cityscape that William Macphee did for the MegaTokyo204 Website into UE4 incomplete but within the editor.
2. Thru 2 Friends we have a number of weapons that need coding and maybe texturing.
3. We have at least 2 maybe 3 models to use in the map
4. Vehicles are there just not coded.

What we need is art plain and simple I know my character artist is doing what she needs to take care of for her and the upcoming event she is going to, so no ill will or feelings involved. I’d like to hear from the person however that said they’d love to do the environment art for MegaTokyo to help us map out MegaTokyo and design and assist in fleshing out new areas of the game and expanding out from RPG artwork to Game and Architectural Design concepts again. Person I’m referring to knows who they are I don’t need to call anyone out on this. I just want some results, some tangible I could post up and am like YES! This is awesome this is what I am striving to achieve!

But I think it’s all falling on deaf ears because no one gets back to me, I leave mgs on Facebook, it gets dismissed the only ones that seem to be listening to me and still show interest is Bruce and Dani, they seem to be the two people *truly* interested in this project and want to make it work want to see it through. I know they have their commissions to do, the freelance work and peeps are paying them for it and I know they have to work to keep up a living so I don’t press them for anything due to myself having no shinnies or munnys to commission them myself so I could see the work and I could get some of the new talent out there involved in mapping and coding to help them build up their portfolios. I’m done ranting I think I’ll go to a corner and just be depressed for a while.

Salt Lake City #FanX!

Hello Readers,


I’m back from #FanX and it was for the most part really cool as an event. I worked about 2/3rd of it at my group’s Booth site #ErtGB . I did however get to do the following things which may be a small and hollow victory but I guess I will have to take it. But here are the following things I did get a chance to do while there.

  1. Spend time with my wife admiring the vendors and celebrities that were there.
  2. Get Michael Stackpole’s Autograph in my copy of Wolf and Rain. One of my Fave Shadowrun Novels and a photo as well with him too boot!
  3. My Wife and I love The Crow, we have a print by James O’Barr entitled “Absolution” which he signed back in 1994 on the eve of our Wedding, 20 years later 2 states away at #FanX who is there at #fanX  none other than the man himself and at his first Utah Convention! What surprised us was he remembered us, and was more than happy to sign the print again with a 20 year signature and I got another great photo with James O’Barr himself.
  4. I did also procure a copy of #MagneticByNature for steam by one the local game studios at the University of Utah #Tripleslashstudios those guys just rock and we’re hoping to have them on the podcast again soon or at least before #Saltlakecitycomicon 😉 . 


What I didn’t get to do while I was at #FanX because of certain obligations it seemed and also missed events.


  1. Seeing and talking with Karen Gillian and attending her Panel
  2. I never did get the chance to find the cHair booth for Infinity Blade that Epic had there.
  3. I didn’t get Patrick Stewart’s Autograph at the end of Saturday night due to working with my group’s booth I MISSED PATRICK STEWART –CAPTIAN “FUCKING” PICARD- PROF. XAIVER FOR FUCK SAKES …….*Deep breath* because I was 3 mins late out the gate.
  4. Didn’t get my pic with the Bridge from the NCC1207D  (The Enterprise from TNG)
  5. Didn’t get a chance to meet up with #JulieBenz  The Mayor on #Syfys #Defiance
  6. Purchase the sonic screwdriver from the inter dimensional Time War.
  7. Didn’t get the Zombie/Ghostbuster Vinyl Window Decals for my vehicle’s back window either.


I did get a number of great shots of  some of the coolest cosplayers there.  Speaking of Cosplay, the cosplay contest was very cool and our own “Utah Loki of Asgard” Aaron was there as one of the judges (You locals will know of who I speak for the #AnimeSaltLake and #AnimeBanzai Peeps crowd). I loved the Suckerpunch Samurai crew that was there I even got to take two pics afterwards of them. They say they will be going to #AnimeBanzai as well this year, especially with it being the 10 Year Anniversary of #AnimeBanzai.


Here are some of the photos that were taken from the booth of the cosplayers I was able to capture with my phone. Including #Ert ‘s new mascot Slimer. 















































48 Hrs till #FanX

Hello, just peeking in and letting you know yea I’m still alive (too bad for some of you out there,) and working. Just an update on my daughter, who is recovering quite well after the surgery, she doesn’t seem to mind the soft foods regiment that she’s been placed on. She still gets a dull ache from time to time but otherwise fit as a fiddle. Her and her sister both had High School orientation last night and had a great time at that. They seem interested in the intro to technology, with the architecture class as well.

I did just get my Unreal 4 Subscription for Beta testing Rocket aka Unreal 4 Beta Engine. Me and Bruce and hopefully Sean will be getting into this full swing here coming up summer wise and will finally have some video and progressive videos out there for the project. I found a spiffy KVM switch for $ 2.00 from Belkin and it works great only drawback is the USB to PS2 adapter doesn’t want to play nice keyboard wise, so I am stick on an old P.O.S HP Keyboard. I now have a Linux Box and a Windows 7 Box running in conjunction with each other off a dual monitor setup.

We are just 2 days away from #FanX , Bruce is driving out for this event and so is the family it seems as well. I’m hoping to get an Autograph or photo op with Karen Gillian or Julie Benz, since they are two of my favorite actresses as of current. I will also be heading up to the Salt Palace to help setup the booth and green screen Wednesday night if the team needs me. No word yet on whether my cohort in gaming and podcast joining us at #FanX . I’m hopeful because it will be a chance to meet face to face for a change at an event as a team.

Anyways, back to work for me more hours needing to be generated.

Life in general post

Hello, yea it’s me. My daughter has finally gone in to the hospital to get the recurring tumor that’s been coming back into her lower jaw removed. It looked a lot worse than it after surgery. They did take #19 & #20 teeth removed the bone and jaw tissue surrounding the tumor so that this time it’s gone completely and totally gone. The meal plan for the next 2 months is going to be liquid / puree for her, I’m thinking I might join her on it for support.

I just don’t like baby food personally, all kidding aside though broths juice Jell-O and shakes and such will be the meals for the next 60 days. This year’s softball team will have to be minus one player as we were told no athletics this year just lots of recovery time and therapy to keep from any scar tissue build up or nerve damage which is one the major concerns.

Have barely slept in the past two days I’m making sure her room is as clean as possible, will help with her homework and also girl scout cookie sales booth duty as well, with her mouth the way it is and having an L bracket holding her jaw in place with the bone graft it wouldn’t be good to have her there selling even though she wants to. We think the cold weather would really irritate the jaw.

On another note, had some knob attempt to hack one of my email accounts from all the way in Jasper Alabama. What a dickcheese, even a monogloid chimp knows how to report the attempted hack and make sure that the offender is then targeted to be observed for any future possible criminal activity. The perp’s ISP even emailed back thanking us for bringing it to their attention and that their cyber division will be looking into but cannot let us know what the end outcome will be, which is standard procedure having worked for a cable ISP company before I knew that. I just frown upon such stupid acts like that to begin with.

Had a few updates to go towards the machine, 8 gigs of ram, a new 2 tb hard drive and will be swapping out cases so the machine that my wife and I use will be transplanted back into Knight Saber Onyx and vice versa and I will be taking out one the HDDs in the machine and transplant that into the 1.8 Gig machine and install Kubuntu 13.10 on it just to test out the waters with it. I’ll also attempt to get at least 1 to 2 replacement fans as well since 2 of the others are starting to show wear by the sound of the bearings.