ROE VS WADE and the possible future.

I am not going to go off the rails I swear I will not go off the rails on this matter. But why, and I will ask again WHY!?  It was Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Samuel Alito, Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Coney Barrett that’s who! These are the five individuals that 67 Votes each I think to be impeached and removed from office and have people, people with a realistic view, a view on moving forward towards a future, not retreating and backpedaling to a 1950’s MINDSET and where  WHITE Supremacy RULED THERE and I *did* say that’s where certain political parties want to go.  ROEVWADE next will the LGBTQ+ Then Segregation, and then the NRA and The KKK and Aryan race Supports will come out of the woodwork like the brood they are and have a field day.

You want that? Yea, I bet some of you do, and if that’s right? There is a unfollow and unfriend button right there in the menu. Don’t even talk to me about this, there is no way anybody will convince me that overturning Roe VS Wade was a good in any way shape or form and I blame TRUMP  yes that unholy rich human cheeto  by appointing those 3 stooges I mentioned and the 2 Knuckleheads that helped them.  IF it had been left to just the two it would have never been overturned and we’d not be having the shitshow of a shitstorm right now.  Equality for all by all and that is how it should be, YES there should be a ban on weapons, YES Equality and sustainable wages for all not just woman and/or minorities. YES “FREE” Health Care we would have had a great start but gee who screwed us out that T-R-U-M-P! YOU let him in and he fucked –everything and everyone- up and now he wants to try again!

To hell with that, I’d rather have Charles Manson, or God forbid Sun Myung Moon or Lee Harvey Oswald in charge of the nation than trump!  I am so sick and tired of people screwing this country up just when we’re going good getting a good stride then someone comes by and slams a sledgehammer in our kneecaps and repeatedly hits them till we can’t move.  Women? Their Body Their Choice! Guns? No there needs to be restrictions and if that means bringing back the death penalty to those that commit a crime and cause a fatality due to said weapon then no questions ask in the chair you got and either the switch gets pulled or the needle gets injected. HATE Crimes?  Yea Prosecute, and place in the part of the penal colony that the prep inflicted the hurt upon and let THEM sort it out proper like.  Again, my personal feelings on the matter. You don’t like it there is an unsubscribe/unfollow/unfriend/BLOCK option on the platforms I am on.  I am someone that wants a better world for my children, and your views of the world do NOT reflect mine. You know what to do if you don’t like what you just read, Bye snowflake don’t melt on the way out the door.    

#WomansRights #LGBTQCommunity #AbortionLaws #EthnicalDiscrimination #BADPOLITICS