COD 4 Server Seattle bandits

The Seattle Bandits Forum

I’ve been on there as of late during the morning and midnight hours after work. I have to say in my opinion? This is one the better servers to play on. I mean seriously I’m live like 5 states away and my ping is like 30 to 65 easy. Plus the guys on there are great and helpful as well. SB-H and SB-Tuna are great players and well as game moderators. So if you have CoD 4 Modern Warfare? I suggest this server with a 4.5 Star rating. Check thier forums out as well. (See above mentioned link)

Lamination and LaMB Rights?

I have to agree, in this case. Being locked away in lamination suit with your body and brain rewired so you can’t speak but you can hear. You can do your duty but can be taken over and commanded to do whatever the Shepards tell you to do. It’s cruel and inhumane and indeed 87.4 % of Cerra consider it slavery/forced labor. They have/are being referred to as Lambs and the labels of Adams and Eve’s was a bit of a twist I must say. The criminal is given designation # and labeled an Adam for male and Eve for female.

This is Madrame reporting off world on Cerra News Central

Astronomers Discover A Terra like Planet & LaMB related Music Video

Astronomers discover an Earth-like planet
Wednesday, 22 April , 2009 18:38:00
Reporter: Richard Lindell interviewing with Ms. Lisa Millar

LISA MILLAR: The Holy Grail of astronomy is to find a planet capable of supporting life.

European researchers have taken a big step forward in that quest, discovering a planet just twice the size of the Earth. While this planet is too hot to sustain life, astronomers speculate that another larger one orbiting around the same star could contain water and perhaps even some form of alien life.

Richard Lindell reports: At 21 light years away, the discovery of a planet almost as small as the Earth is a big deal. Stephane Udry is one of the astronomers at Geneva University that made the discovery.

STEPHANE UDRY: It’s a huge step forward. The lightest planet before was more than four Earth masses, now we are below two Earth masses. It demonstrates that we can find Earth mass planets.

RICHARD LINDELL: On a more fundamental level, it also demonstrates that Earth-like planets actually exist outside the solar system. But Gliese 581e orbits too close to its star to support life. It’s a different story for another much larger planet orbiting around the same star.

Professor Fred Watson is the astronomer-in-charge of the Anglo-Australian Observatory near Coonabarabran in New South Wales.

FRED WATSON: Gliese 581d, which was found about two years ago, is probably within the star’s habitable zone, which some of us call the ‘Goldilocks zone’ because it’s that region around a star where the temperature is not too hot and it’s not too cold but it’s just right for liquid water to exist. So, it is possible that if Gliese 581d has rocky surface, that there may be liquid water on that surface and that would make it, as we understand it today, that would make it habitable.

RICHARD LINDELL: But it’s not universally agreed that a rocky surface is needed to support life.

Professor Paul Francis at the Australian National University.

PAUL FRANCIS: Some people think it might be a liquid planet entirely covered in ocean many hundreds of kilometres deep. And so in principal it might be quite a pleasant place with liquid water and waves and maybe even some sort of marine life forms.

RICHARD LINDELL: Associate Professor Peter Tuthill at the University of Sydney says the discovery is remarkable but falls short of the Holy Grail.

PETER TUTHILL: They’ve found one planet that fits the mass criteria and around the same star, quite remarkably, they’ve found a second planet which is at the right radius, but to win the big prize you would want both of these things to happen at same time.

RICHARD LINDELL: But the planet hunters have come a long way in a short space of time. The first planet outside the solar system was discovered just 15 years ago. Now more than 350 have been found and today’s discovery of a planet around the earth’s size 21 light years away is pushing the limits of technology.
For that reason Professor Fred Watson is both excited and cautious about this latest find.

FRED WATSON: You have to remember that observations like these are extremely difficult to make and in particular when you’re pushing your equipment down to the level of trying to find things that are about the mass of the earth, then you really are looking almost in the noise of the information that’s coming back to you. So, it’s something that we have to at least remain, not sceptical about, but remain in some level of doubt.

RICHARD LINDELL: It’s hoped new discoveries will be much easier to make with the Kepler space telescope launched by NASA last year. Its mission is to find 20 such planets over the next five years.

LISA MILLAR: Richard Lindell.

Me: Wow, I truly didn’t think I’d see the day where we might have actually found a earth like planet witin my own lifetime. Yet here we are, it truly is a remarkable world we live in despite the problems we still currently face on a daily basis.


Here is the 2nd Related Video to LaMB by Simple Plan.

SQUEE! Replacement laptop is here ! SQUEE !

My friend adam -=finally=- got me my replacemtn laptop. A 2.2 Ghrz Celeron .5 gig of ram and an ATI 7K Built in Video with DVD/CDRW Optical + 15 In LCD with Xp SP3 and Offfice 2k3 installed. Had to get the video invertor replaced seems there was some type of issue with this one too. But Adam got it replaced and video back up and running again. But it does seem to have a video issue. I’ll see how long I can go tonite with it before it drives me batty.

Oooo Naruto Live Action show at Universal Studios Japan?

I saw this and was like WoW ! I didn’t even know about this and I consider myself a really big otaku. I feel a bit embarrassed in the fact I didn’t know this at all. Well I hope some of you enjoy this as I share with it with you. I got to admit I have to admire the cast. It gives them a pretty cool slot on thier resume/porfolio. I know I’d bust my neck doing some the stunts these talented individuals pull off. So, enjoy thats it for me for today.

Prof. Hawking Hospitalized U.S. trip to AZ, Cancelled

Prof. Hawking

Prof. Hawking

LONDON, England— World renowned Stephen Hawking, the English mathematician and physicist famed for his work on black holes was taken to a hospital Monday and was seriously ill, Cambridge University said. Hawking has been fighting a chest infection for several weeks and was being cared for at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, the University City northeast of London.

Gregory Hayman, the university’s head of communications has stated “Professor Hawking is undergoing tests. He has been under the weather for several weeks as of late.”

Later in the afternoon, Hayman said Hawking was “now comfortable but will be kept in hospital overnight.”
Prof. Hawking was forced to cancel his appearance at Arizona State University which was supposed to be on April 6 2 weeks ago.

Prof. Hawking, age 67, gained recognition on his work on black holes, and has remained quite active despite that fact of having ALS, (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), an incurable degenerative disorder also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease at age the young age of 21.

Hawking was involved in the search for the great goal of physics — a “unified theory” — which would resolve contradictions between Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which describes the laws of gravity that govern the motion of large objects like planets, and the Theory of Quantum Mechanics, which deals with the world of subatomic particles.

He wrote in his best-selling book, “A Brief History of Time,” published in 1988.”A complete, consistent unified theory is only the first step: our goal is a complete understanding of the events around us, and of our own existence,”

In a more accessible sequel “The Universe in a Nutshell,” published in 2001, Prof. Hawking ventured into the conceptual fields of super gravity, raw energy from singularities and the possibility of a universe with 11 dimensions. Holy shades of Buckaroo Banzi!

Prof. Hawking had announced mid 2008, that he would be stepping down as The Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a title once held by the great 18th-century physicist Isaac Newton. However, Cambridge has said Prof. Hawking intended to cont. working as Emeritus Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.

The Head of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Prof. Peter Haynes, had said “Professor Hawking is a remarkable colleague. We all hope he will be amongst us again soon.

Brian Dickie,The Dir. of research at the Motor Neurone Disease Association, said “Only 5% of people diagnosed with ALS survive for 10 years or longer” Which means another feat even if small in comparison with his achievements for The Good Professor.
I personally pray for his speedy recovery and return to good health. I’d hate to have to hear of his passing as another great mind fades and the brilliance of our race diminishes a little more in to the darkness.

Weekend updates

Woohoo! It’s sunday and got some work I needed done? -=done=-, faster than BK fries. I got the lawnmower overhauled and running in decent condition again. Trimmer seems to be be failing however, motor seems to give out. Oh and afterwards found a cool gift from mother nature. A dead mole in the grass, so hopefully that will allow my wife to work on the garden teh way she likes ot around this time of the year.

A bit of rototilling and weeding and it should be Victory Garden Ahoy! Got the trees weeded, and the bush areas cleaned up and out. Although I think one of our rose bushes are dead, seems she didn”t last thru rhe winter months like we had hoped. Not only that, but I also have to call my tree doc bud to find out what chemical to kill the tree wasps and feed the roots. Found and killed off 3 wasp nests in the inside vent of my dryer vent on the house. Had to handle that one very carefully let me tell you.

Have to reinstall my network card and TV Video card drivers as well. &^$^%#! STupid thing went AWOL on me just when I needed it the most for internet *again*. But at the same time this will allow me to swap out TV Cards and install the one that my friend sent me which has the FM Tuner on it as well. So YAY me. I’ll use my old TV card on the Linux box and convert it over to a MYTH Box. Also another friend of mine just handed me a Jabra sp100. Jabra’s SP100 Bluetooth speakerphone measures 125mm by 73mm by 34mm and weighs just 170g. I like speakerphones, I realise that the audio quality isn’t perfect. It’s not exactly the pc’s fault — usually the speakers are just too small. But that doesn’t make it any less annoying when you’re trying to make a hands-free call.

But for Bluetooth handset users, Jabra now has a nifty alternative to the scratchy speakerphone. Primarily designed for car-bound commuters, the SP100 Bluetooth speakerphone can be used anywhere there’s a Bluetooth mobile. Measuring 125mm by 73mm by 34mm and weighing just 170g, the Biege-and-silver device can be attached to a desktop or stuck to a dashboard in the car. The large speaker is a oval shape of the SP100 itself while a noise-cancelling microphone rests on it’s slender arm that rotates up to 90 degrees.


Next to the speaker is a multifunction button, while a phone-shaped LED indicates the unit’s status. Other controls consist of a dedicated power switch, a volume scrollwheel with a Mute button opition. We had no problem pairing the jabra with the pc, and we established a connection in just a few seconds. Audio quality was very good overall in both the car and the desktop. This Jabra gets about 12 hours of continuous talk time and up to 18/20 days of standby time on a single charge. Jabra conveniently includes both a car and standard charger in the box, so we never had to worry about a low battery.

Speaking of Video I’ll end this entry with this.

The NATO Dossier and Steampunk fun.

Sender: always Date 04/15/09
Topic: RE^3: I thought this should be added
Time-Stamp 01:30:12 Pm MDT

Goodbye you Dweeb, and yes thats spelled correctly , that would be DWEEB , the worst of nerds.

Rebuttal:(Really now, was that neccasary?You’re supposedly a 40 yrs old woman with 2 kids from a catholic home. What type of example are you for your fellow travs? Really respectable attitude especially from a Multihunter such as yourself. But Yea I have left but it was WAY before you openly threatened me. as stated below regardless of how small and insignificant as it was. )

Sender: always Date 04/14/09
Topic RE: I thought this should be added
Time-Stamp 09:38:48 Pm MDT

LOL , you call me saying i will spread your account over NATO for targeting practice a threat? Trust me when i say , i have not broken a single rule of this game, Ever. And the MH would laugh at you for saying that i have. Obviously , this is not a game for you. Because Redstar has posted all of your IGM’ in our forums for the amusment of others that read them. So i think your right it is best you delete your account, you don’t belong on the server woth good , qualified players , that play well.

Rebuttal:(I don’t know about that Lara. Seems to me that it would be BAD PR for someone like you to just go about and threaten other travian players because they said they didn’t like the way you and your alliance play.  That and the fact you said down below  you’d see to it you’d get me banned for whatever it was I did to create such a butthurt toward you and your little packs of Gestapo agents going around and raping and pillaging the smaller villages to play yourselves in control. was I butthurt by redtard? More like I wasn’t going to allow some snot nosed pimple assed kid to come into my neighborhood and start shit. Which he did when he started fucked around with our group diplomat/ and my friend’s village. It was wrong he knew and he didn’t give a fuck on who he butthurt to get what was his.  )

Lara Grand Wookie of NATO.

Sender: always Date 04/14/09
Topic: WHAT?
Time-Stamp 05:42:04 Pm MDT

I am not sure of your age, and not sure what to think of what you have written in your link on your profile, but i have taken it very personal. So lets set some things straight,:
1) I am a 40 year old mother of 2 teens and a very devout catholic, so saying that the members here are Nazis is a

little of a exaggeration, but not knowing your age i will let you vent whatever you want.

2) I personally designed our off site forum and the skin used id a mid evil village with people walking in the

streets, and supplied by the forum itself.

3) i have played this game for over 4 years and am very proficient at it , i am always in the top 1% or 2% of

players and BTW if you didn’t notice itd a war game, the point is to dominate a area and win a server , which I have

done twice , and played 6 total, I have built 3 WW’s and have taken numerous sets of plans. So your comment of

bully’s if thats what you want to call it.

4) i am a Multi-Hunter on another server at the moment, and just in your profile you have broken several of the rules that get you banned permanently. But before i go that route i would like some kind of explanation as to what  you have said and why.

5) It sounds as if you have been beaten at a kids game and not to happy about it , and want to blame your lack of

skill on players that have just done what the game is intended to do , and done it well.

6) As for us building a WW , no one knows who thats going to be , the plans don’t get released with the NATARS for

another 90 to 120 days, and at that point the first 12 to take a sat of plans is the players building a WW, and I

have every intention of repeating what i just did on s5 , which is clear a Natar village and take a set of plans and

build WW here just like i just did on s2.

I would suggest that you respond in a civil manner with some sort of explanation , or it would be best you delete

the account totally or i will delete it for you.Other wise i will spread your account over the player of nato to

practice with for their targeting skills. I think your diplomatic skills is what has gotten you to this , which i

will have to say after reading what you have to say, is not only imature, but a all ouot lie on all points you have

taken, and if you choose not to respond with in 24 hours i will report your account to the MH and then begin to

target you personally for your remarks .


And just for your information i am a resident of the US so i am loud and proud about Democracy and diplomacy.

Rebuttal:( Funny thing is you didn’t use to be like this a few yrs back. You were pretty easy going but over the past few sessions on trav? I think the positions and your wins and such have gone to your head. Especially with the banning part.

You can try to do what you want in regards to this? But since my account is now gone and I’m not longer playing in your sandbox as it were if you want to go that route? I can talk freely on what I think about the whole scene. I think Redstar is quite the aggersive but at the the same time rude player during this entire time. His attack on Charlamange was not only slap in her face as far as morale went but I think she’s officially quit because of the way he treated the incident the entire time. Then after he stole her village from her (Which seems to be what NATO likes to do best.) I ask him to back off and he starts on me, thats fine I was starting to get bored with the game anyways. But then he starts raiding my crops and pissing on the village I’m trying to rally up and raise the residency to level 10 so I can move out of the area and maybe bring my friend back to travian starting fresh in a better, less populated area?  No, Redstar was determined to act like  he was, and tear down the work I just got done doing making me start over again.

Well with her gone and the group away from the game for a few days? I was like fine I’ll set the self destruct sequence and then tell RedStar and NATO how I feel about the situation and if they don’t like it? Tough, deal with it. Also as later suggested I think you should -=really=- invest in maybe downloading IESPELL and use it wisely. your typing skill were atrocious at best. typo festival in the extreme in my opinion. You type like an Alpha Wookie on a Bad Hair Day. As far as your attitude on this? It sucked and you approached with guns loaded rather than a pencil and clipboard. I’m pretty much the tame player I was actually out for awhile helping family out on a personal family emergency? Rune who redstar said was his friend? She ( I think rune was a female player) was told what was happening with me outside of travian and that btw her and me we were able to settle our differnces she understood the issue at hand backed away let me rebuild for some time and just when things started to get were I might have been at?

Redstar came and started messing the plan up. So don’t go telling me I’m some diplomaticly retarded shortbus rider. I was more than polite and civil with Rune when she allowed us to talk it out and what was going on at the time. Redstar just is not the talking type it seems, and damage is already done. But I hope this doesn’t ruin our special friendship? You have yourself a Mucha Lucha day there Lara AKA “Always” on the S5 Server of travian’s NATO Faction.)


Mind you, I would have more or less just ignored the shit and just left it behind. But Lara the Alpha wookie in heat wouldn’t drop the subject. So all I’m doing is returning the fire with a little added salt rock to pellets and the butthurt. I’m walking away with the knowledge that I did get under your skin and got to laugh at you for it. I really doubt she or any of her NATO’s save for Redstar will reply back in way shape of form in thier defense either. Oh well, life goes on.

Changing the subject now, to pc technology and such.  Not sure how old some of you are and this will more or less show my age.  Back in the wee early “80’s” I used to tinker in electronics shop and would toy around and build and finish other students failed projects and get them to work. My favorite was “The color organ”. I had my room done up with old x-mas lights and had the color organ hooked to them and would just constantly headband to Ozzy and Motley Crue and KISS to them and they just poured out electrospectrumwaves of color and fun. On the steampunk projects I’ll suggest The Steampunk Headset this is an awesome project for the beginner steampunk hobbyist. Its not too expensive and quite fun to build. so with that and for today I will bid you a good day and hope it’s a good one.

Cool stuff all around.

Oh yea, I forgot to mention the Hauppuage TV Tuner/FM Card for the PC came in the mail last night. Thanks to good friend of mine I used to work with till he moved out of state and a higher tax bracket.

Wow, started as a slightly drizzle/rainy day to a full out snow storm. That’s just amazing I mean each yr it still takes me by surpise that it can snow as far into summer as June around here. Anyways, me and the OFC have a practice matchup tonite on CoD 4. Looks to be alot of fun, with the new maps and the AWE maps we found. This time I’m going for headshots, I think I just got lucky the other night with the few shots I did get off and the guys I hit.