The guy above deserves more than some public shameing spread the word on this please share with your buddies. Dude went to listia, posted up several numbers of PC Items like a Number Sharkk Gaming Mice, 3 Antec PC Cases and NXT Cases I won 1 Antec Case and a Sharkk Gaming mouse the shipping said 5.00 for the mouse and 5.99 for the Antec Case which I paid thru paypal. Yea, I thought it cold be sketchy but I’ll take a small chance that this person was a honest individual, boy what a fucking joke that was on me. But I curse this kid gets cock rot before he hits his 21st birthday.


Two weeks later nothing nadda a empty mail box. So when I decided to attempt to contact this “Wally” person seems I had been blocked from his page said it didn’t exist or some such but since I had a older account I decided to play detective and logged in with my older listia account and yup that fucking little twatwaffle blocked me and took the money and ran without any a word.

So I got my points back after demanding a refund and I have already escalated my case with Paypal and they are investigating it to get my money back from this little shit but BUYER BEWARE @LEO4WIN is NOT to be trusted. is a great place, but there are assholes there as well that think it’s funny to scam people to hold their credits in escrow and not do anything about  it.

Jan. 1/2 Way Mark through the month.

This is the 1st entry for the year. Christmas came and went, kids got what they wanted the wife got what she wanted. I got a Wacom 460 Tablet and 2 steam games from bros I know on steam and off the the game grid. Suffered through Christmas to the following Monday in bed due to someone or thing giving me that stupid $!@#! Flu bug, even now I still have a tiny touch of it.

Was able to buy 2 dressers from Ikea and build them and haul them up to the bedroom which is in dire need of them. It also allowed me to see how many t-shirts I had. Cripes I did n’t realize how many I actually had, so decided to go through and donate what I did n’t want and keep those I liked. My anime t-shirts are pretty old (Circa 1992) so those I am keeping and will have them stitched into a quilt of sorts.

I also trimmed out a few people in my life I just did not need nor want to be involved with any more. You just get to a point where certain actions just rub you the entirely wrong way and you just want to strangle them and dump them by roadside. With that said I will more or less be getting some message privately somewhere from someone because they think I am directly calling them out, which isn’t the case. They were nto the only ones so they shouldn’t feel special in that regard at all. Oh and I re-installed steam and and seems it sent out invites to people I no longer have contact with and also no longer want to talk with me for whatever reasons involved. Which is fine, that’s their choice and I can live with that.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales go live Jan 17th and got the troops rallied and ready to strike out for cookie sales. Setup of the media center for the master bedroom is almost complete, I just have to set the Media PC and hook it to the TV properly and set right HDMI port and I should be able to play what we want on the TV from the media center and even play on Steam as well with my other steam user account.

Been watching #Kemeko-DX a 12 Ep. Series Harem Genre and have to say it is pretty hilarious. Just check the opening and you decide. Leave a comment down below if you’ve seen it as well, I will say if you’re blue and need a laugh ? This is one for that funny bone. 😉

Game Review Borderlands The Pre-Sequel

I am really enjoying Borderland the Pre-Sequel and running around as claptrap finally able to shoot things and alien lifeforms for fun and folly rather than money! It’s funny because I try to act all serious as a Comical robot with an ego issue that sometimes backfires on him. I haven’t played any of the other characters as of yet, because I want to play thru to the end with each character but I chose Claptrap because he’s a cocky little robot with a ton a heart and Gumption!

Are there many out there reading this that has the PC edition and would like to team up? What are your opinions on the characters and skill tree? Are you enjoy enjoying the back stories involved with the former set of vault hunters that you see in Borderlands 2 that are portrayed as villains? I love the environments as well plus the less than normal gravity adds to the humor and gameplay that seems to give you a slightly more challenging feeling than the previous games.

The musical scores and songs are great as well, love the environmental mood settings. The baddie AIs are a pretty intelligent giving you some really cool shoot outs or hand to hand (Yes I like to smash across the jaw with my clap every once and awhile myself.) Post up comment; reach out to the ones that play!


Hello again readers, and to myself as well. It’s Aug 12th and just past 20 years of happiness with my beloved. Twenty years? Wow that just bellows your mind when you think about that. The events you’ve shared there turmoil and joys and with kids as well. The braces, the emotional rollercoaster fits in some cases and the moments where they need you to just hold them and let them know it’s ok or it will hurt less as time passes and they grow. Well me and the Mrs. went to Las Vegas spent our 20th anniversary at The Hilton Grand (Marketing Compound) Hotel and had a great time exploring the Strip/Casino areas.

We checked out the hourly fountain shows in front of the Bellagio and The Mirage which at night are absolutely wonderous with the colored lights and the musical sequence. We also took in The Blue Man Group Show at the Monte Carlo as well as a DVD set and audio CD of the show which was also great, save for some small back pains which seems to have traveled back with us and has decidedly hung around with me for the past 4 days since our return. I finally got one of those “Keep Calm” shirts, although it says “And get Drunk” I still like it, it’s not torchwood or reminds us of the tardis, it is still a “Keep Calm” shirt. Took some photos from the trip

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Meanwhile after the return home.

PC had an issue where the o/s would freeze and lock up and out forcing the system to be softbooted. Well there is a shop that I took it to have the issue confred that it was CPU causing the issue. I got it back with the owner saying it was infected with several viruses and malware and that my thermal paste had been dried up for sometime (Which that I could see maybe happening) funny thing is AVG and Mcfee scanned the system and found nothing save for some info tracking cookies. Malware bytes didn’t detect anything either, so I’m a little hesittant to believe my freezing and lockup of the O/S was due to undetected viruses and/or malware. I can see maybe a CPU overheat whch they said they did apply some gold thermal paste at no charge. next step, I will then hook it up and fire up #Titanfall and see how it stands up now and whether or not I freeze up again.

Soon, I’ll be 47 and I’m still nowhere close to where I’d like the game project to be. so many setbacks still much to do and its mostly programming I think at this point. Still have a unfinished map, got a decent and talented yet untapped artistic resource, just waiting to see what she has in store for us. Bruce is doing well but super busy on his side of the west coast BUT! he will be coming to #SaltlakeComicon and this will be a 1st time meeting 3 of the Team Jade Phoenix will be at one place at the same time!

And we’ll be doing this the entire time! PARTAAAAAAY!

Blah, depressed and sullen

Ok, maybe it’s the weather. I don’t know at this point but as of late I feel like people have been ignoring me or attempting to avoid me on purpose and I’m just sick of it. If someone says to you sure! That sounds like a ton of fun! Count me in as onboard. That would tell me they want to help out and pitch in where they can be the most use of.

Well that’s all great and froddy, but I send an email on what is needed at the moment and I get no replies from anyone, nothing, nadda, zip, zilch. I’d just assume they tell me to fuck off and walk away than keep my hoping someone is actually going to work with me on this project. I don’t want empty promises and assurances; I want results and want some concrete results. I want to be able to write or at least assist in writing with the reviews up on the work being done by said X or Y. So, for the past 3 years we’ve got the following done my not completed.

1. Got the Cityscape that William Macphee did for the MegaTokyo204 Website into UE4 incomplete but within the editor.
2. Thru 2 Friends we have a number of weapons that need coding and maybe texturing.
3. We have at least 2 maybe 3 models to use in the map
4. Vehicles are there just not coded.

What we need is art plain and simple I know my character artist is doing what she needs to take care of for her and the upcoming event she is going to, so no ill will or feelings involved. I’d like to hear from the person however that said they’d love to do the environment art for MegaTokyo to help us map out MegaTokyo and design and assist in fleshing out new areas of the game and expanding out from RPG artwork to Game and Architectural Design concepts again. Person I’m referring to knows who they are I don’t need to call anyone out on this. I just want some results, some tangible I could post up and am like YES! This is awesome this is what I am striving to achieve!

But I think it’s all falling on deaf ears because no one gets back to me, I leave mgs on Facebook, it gets dismissed the only ones that seem to be listening to me and still show interest is Bruce and Dani, they seem to be the two people *truly* interested in this project and want to make it work want to see it through. I know they have their commissions to do, the freelance work and peeps are paying them for it and I know they have to work to keep up a living so I don’t press them for anything due to myself having no shinnies or munnys to commission them myself so I could see the work and I could get some of the new talent out there involved in mapping and coding to help them build up their portfolios. I’m done ranting I think I’ll go to a corner and just be depressed for a while.

Life in general post

Hello, yea it’s me. My daughter has finally gone in to the hospital to get the recurring tumor that’s been coming back into her lower jaw removed. It looked a lot worse than it after surgery. They did take #19 & #20 teeth removed the bone and jaw tissue surrounding the tumor so that this time it’s gone completely and totally gone. The meal plan for the next 2 months is going to be liquid / puree for her, I’m thinking I might join her on it for support.

I just don’t like baby food personally, all kidding aside though broths juice Jell-O and shakes and such will be the meals for the next 60 days. This year’s softball team will have to be minus one player as we were told no athletics this year just lots of recovery time and therapy to keep from any scar tissue build up or nerve damage which is one the major concerns.

Have barely slept in the past two days I’m making sure her room is as clean as possible, will help with her homework and also girl scout cookie sales booth duty as well, with her mouth the way it is and having an L bracket holding her jaw in place with the bone graft it wouldn’t be good to have her there selling even though she wants to. We think the cold weather would really irritate the jaw.

On another note, had some knob attempt to hack one of my email accounts from all the way in Jasper Alabama. What a dickcheese, even a monogloid chimp knows how to report the attempted hack and make sure that the offender is then targeted to be observed for any future possible criminal activity. The perp’s ISP even emailed back thanking us for bringing it to their attention and that their cyber division will be looking into but cannot let us know what the end outcome will be, which is standard procedure having worked for a cable ISP company before I knew that. I just frown upon such stupid acts like that to begin with.

Had a few updates to go towards the machine, 8 gigs of ram, a new 2 tb hard drive and will be swapping out cases so the machine that my wife and I use will be transplanted back into Knight Saber Onyx and vice versa and I will be taking out one the HDDs in the machine and transplant that into the 1.8 Gig machine and install Kubuntu 13.10 on it just to test out the waters with it. I’ll also attempt to get at least 1 to 2 replacement fans as well since 2 of the others are starting to show wear by the sound of the bearings.

Kickstarter and my kick to the teeth

Hey what’s going on peeps? Looks like I am employed again after all, I start Monday at software firm not far from the house either. I’ve got the repairs and formatting done on this Dell 8300 that was given to me a week ago. I am looking at a replacement side panel for the case the right hand side seems to have all the clips tweaked off. It’s nothing too hard to resolve.

Here is a real pisser for you to laugh at or to be like “wow, just wow” to. So, a person I admire asked a group I am a part of to help them out by giving them some feedback on what we as consumers would like to see on a re-release of a product, and what type of cool swag we’d want to see to be included. They also requested us to be quite about it with a hyper low profile as well. I for the most part kept quiet about it but some little twatwaffle decided to start posting it up on their FB profiles and ruin it for everyone.

I took the blame for this because when we we’re asked “Can you keep a secret?” I should have closed the group’s public access viewing right then and there but I had other stuff going on at that time as well so I posted sure can, and left to go do what was needing to be done, but forgot to set the privacy settings to the group and that falls on me, it also falls on me to try to do damage control which I failed at horribly when I saw the damage done this afternoon.

When I replied to the offending article, and stated that it was supposed to have been a private project in the works, my post vanished soon after, and someone who I thought was a friend and fellow podcaster ended up talking with this guy saying OH if you got a msg from so & so, don’t worry he’s a “nobody” . Well this nobody has heard his “fair weather” friend had been talking shit about him behind his back a few times, but now this just confirmed it being true. The thing that really hurts was if the roles had been reversed? I would have been there for him defending him. So, I’ve basically killed all contact with him, Facebook, The AoY Podcast, WP, Twitter and Google plus and email have been disconnected/blocked/muted because I don’t deal/associate/socialize with backstabbing double talking sasafrasa 7^!$#!$*@ people like that.

I’m still going to give feedback, and make a few suggestions for the project, but we’re still also waiting for the kickstarter to be approved before we go further and announce the whole thing everywhere else. Just because other people want be assholes and twatwaffles doesn’t mean we have to follow suite. I am however disappointed at the attitudes some of us have in regards to this and how easily dismissive they were when the leak did come about. It makes one sad on how keeping someone’s word can be dismissed so easily.

Fictional Character for Defiance RPG.

Classification: ArkHunter/Engineer

Name: Stephen B. Lundberg

DOB:  8/19/2010

Age: 22

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Grey

Height: 6’1

Weight: 197 lbs.

Physical defining features: One minor scar left of the skull. Damaged tissue stretches from the lower temporal region to just inside of the Zygomatic section of the Skull.

Biographical Archive:

Stephen Baker Lundberg, son of Scott and Shannon Lundberg born on Thursday August 19th 2010 eastern side of what was at the time still the United States of America. Grown and educated in the Tennessee educational system till the age 15, where he had shown remarkable aptitude in mechanical engineering. He was enrolled into Clemson University‘s Engineering program. Grades excellent, attitude was stoic and studious.  Events of his studies were somewhat surprising and remarkable when he had accidently received designs for some new generators that were meant for Prof. Lou Hollister in the psychics and engineering department of Clemson University. Prof. Hollister was to be working with the dept. of homeland security and the global protectorate division of the United Nations.

But upon discovery of what Stephen Lundberg had achieved, he had Mr. Lundberg and the generators transferred to Area 17 Hanger 21 on the Utah Salt Flats by the Dugway Proving grounds.  Where project Ananke was still in production/development.  The generators were of Castithan design and technology but with some minor re-design cold fusion technology was easily incorporated into the design for a power source for the generators which were then in turn installed and used to power fusion pulse cannons to be used in the pale wars. Once Stephen realized what the generators were being used for, he decided to leave the company of professor Hollister and the military and fade into the wilderness.

After quite an extensive search by the military and UN Special Forces had given up their search for Stephen Lundberg, the military then launched their attack against the Votan and for a 4 year span Stephen B. Lundberg has disappeared. till now……………………………….



Weekend Madness! @o; I’m not crazy!

Morning, It is for me anyway. Well I have to say I feel a little better this morning now that we have one the rooms finished over the weekend. I swear I thought I would never get that carpet in the old office clean again from al the dirt everyone tracked in to be on the computer. It took me 5 passes and 2 bottles of carpet cleaner and 3 mixtures of 1 cup Oxi-clean 1 cup Vinegar and 1 cup of Freebeeze and boiling pot of water to get that carpet clean. I was also glad to be able to disassemble and move one the beds upstairs and put it back together by the time lights out were called for the kids.

There just wasn’t enough time to podcast either this weekend, which was disappointing because I wanted to go over some of the CG Rendered Movies that have been out from Japan as of late and to go over EVA 3.0 the Movie. I also wanted to touch base with the crew on Genshiken Nidaime and discuss the possible Release date for the upcoming anime series this summer (2nd Quarter) for the anime schedule. Is there anyone out there reading this, actually reading Genshiken Nidaime as well and enjoying it enough to engage on a discussion on it? Ping me if you would.

I’m going to be watching RiderBackers from start to finish this week also for the podcast discussion. I’ve seen the 1st 4 episodes and loved it, but had to return the DVD set to the library and it was on backorder as well so I couldn’t just renew it. BUT a mutual fan that had to move out and get rid of some of their collection gave me the boxed set, so I can now finish it with much gusto and glee.

On the sad side of news, the 3 in one has become 2 in one. Seems the sensor on the HP Wi-Fi Printer is gone since I cannot get rid of the stupid paper jam error on it. But the upside of it is that we could still buy a new one with an extended warranty for ½ of what the latest all in one HP as to offer. But I feel a need to research more before just jumping in and getting a new one sent. Ink and paper cost, how well does it run, what are the other reviews like on it? I’ll update that when I’ve made a decision on that.

I’ve had to yet again try to get someone with some brains as well as the talent to deal with a 3d Project I have been involved with for quite a while and I think David will the guy to do it. Why? Because for the time I have known him online, he hasn’t ignored his responsibilities, he goes full out on completion of an item or project work when asked and accepted. He’s a team player, and he listens and gives feedback and follow ups. So I can say I am looking forward to his updates on the project. Well that is it for me for time being. Next report my twins will be 14 and I’ll feel older for some time. Anyways, catch the podcast soon peeps, Max, Bruce, David and myself will be on next Sunday to discuss things of a Fanperson nature.

Even after *Ponders* 3 years now? Still Mad at her…….

My Truth anyway......What don't look at me that way, you know it true.

My Truth anyway……What????? don’t look at me that way, you know it true.

Although I am still mad at her, I would like to point out “she” was not the negative one at all. Quite the contrary she let others slightly dictate and troll her online life experince as I observed it through my interactions with her.
I would hope she would realize this and make a definite change by letting go of said community. But that’s not happening anytime fast. Which is sad, because I think she’d take up her pen and sketchbook up again and get back to her art while being a mother and being a semi-successful career woman as well. I can’t talk to her because all it would now is go in one ear and out there and who knows, she might even laugh at what I’m typing up this very minute. Oh that’s right those people consider it lurking instead of just looking at the board for a few seconds and then moving on, (Rolling eyes in a sarcastic manner.)

I don’t know, I guess I never will either? I know a flew off the handle a bit when I had enough of the crap she was receiving as well as the bad mouth trolling over me since I no longer was there. I wanted to blow off steam and get my frustrations out and talk with her about and I was ignored for whatever reason, I was ignored. I found out a little bit later she had stood up for me in the thread. I know I screwed the friendship up but regardless, it doesn’t change how I feel about the situation regarding her and me, and the way she was/is treated there. It’s like she likes the negative output, and semi trolling and the harassment.

I told her and others a few years ago it would be best to leave the place as I did and to not look back unless someone mentions otherwise. Personally I feel better for leaving the place, the trolling and the hate, yes I will say hate it was felt and expressed, so I left before anything else came of it. Now looking back and talking with a few others that left for similar reasons like mine I wasn’t the only one that felt that’s how the others treated them. OH and don’t you dare say grow some thicker skin? Fuck that noise if I grew anymore thicker skin I’d be considered a internet Mastodon. No, why can’t they change, why can’t they be a bit more polite or think skinned as it were to quote one of their own. That would be a bit harder for them because that would take too much of an effort.

You know what burns my asscheeks? is she said and I quote “My hope is that my daughter is better at life than I am. Maybe she will learn something positive from her mother’s negative example.” What type of shit is that? She’s had some issues in the past, but who doesn’t? I wish I could say to her she’s doing a great job with what she has to work with, and even more so now that she has someone else she has to look out for now as well. I’ll wish her luck with the whole single mom thing and I hope the dick that got got her that way helps pay the child support that bundle of life deserves, and takes some small amount of responsibility for his actions, the ass.